GCSE English Foundation exam


A quiz to help you tackle the AQA Foundation GCSE English exam
Flashcards by s.enright, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by s.enright over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
How many marks are there for question 1a? 4
What phrase should you use in question 1a? We learn that...
What should you write for question 2? We learn that... Quote... This makes me think that...
Question 3 is about language. Name 4 language features you could look for. Rhetorical question fact opinion list of three adjectives direct address alliteration
How many texts do you have to compare in question 4? Two
What are the best presentation features to write about? 1. the pictures 2. the colours 3. bullet points/ paragraphs 4. anything that is eye catching, eg logo
Which 2 presentation features should you definitely always write about? Pictures colours
What should you say about them? point (eg the colour) + 'this suggests...' or 'this makes me think of...'
What words and phrases are good for linking points about the 2 pictures? Both Also Similarly
What words and phrases are good for showing the difference between 2 pictures? However On the other hand
How many paragraphs should you write for question 4? At least 4
How many paragraphs should you write for question 3? 3
When you use a quote, what punctuation mark goes around it? " " speech marks
How long is the whole exam? 2 hours 15 minutes
How long should you spend on the reading section? 1 hour
How long should you spend on the writing question? 1 hour
Which writing question should you do first? the final one, question 6
Whys should you do question 6 before question 5? You are fresher and still have more energy. It is worth the most marks.
What should you do when you have read the question for q5? Circle the TAP words
What does TAP stand for? Text type Audience Purpose
How many paragraphs should you plan for q5? 3
How many paragraphs should you plan for question 6? 4
Name some things you should remember when you write accurately spelling punctuation marks capital letters
Name two times you can use capital letters Names Starting sentences
How can you get high marks and impress an examiner in your language in the writing question? Use a wide vocabulary Use language features such as lists of 3
How should you organise your writing? Paragraphs
If you have extra time, what should you do? Proof read for mistakes read the question again and see if you have missed anything out. Add in great vocabulary. Add in better punctuation.
What is a better word for good in 'It was a good idea'? superb fabulous great
What is a better word for 'tired' in After the long journey, I was tired? exhausted worn out drained
How many marks for question 5? 16
How many marks for question 6? 24
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