Russia 1914 - 1918 : War to Civil War


Flashcards on Russia 1914 - 1918 : War to Civil War, created by Zoe Emmett on 29/04/2015.
Zoe Emmett
Flashcards by Zoe Emmett, updated more than 1 year ago
Zoe Emmett
Created by Zoe Emmett over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What were the key problems faced by the Russian army on the front line during WWI? -Poor quality of leadership -Lack of supplies due to failure in distribution -Wounded soldiers not being treated effectively - Huge losses
When did the Duma reassemble and why? July 1915 - due to Russia's early poor performance in the war
What effect did the war have on the home front of Russia? - The Economy could not cope - Lack of supplies in the cities due to the railway failure - Low grain prices led to peasants not selling their grain leading to food shortages - Fuel shortages - Increasing strikes
How did the Tsar's incompetence show during the war? - His government couldn't supply the home front or the front line - The Zemstva's began to organise to fill the gaps in medical care - He would not work with the Progressive Bloc - He took control of the army leaving the Tsarina and Rasputin in charge
What problems did the Tsarina and Rasputin cause? - Governmental instability due to frequent changes in ministers - All classes were disillusioned including the nobility - Tsarina and Rasputin's alleged affair undermined the Tsar
What was the situation in Russian cities by February 1917? - The cost of living had risen by 300% - Increased strikes - Bread rationing caused riots - The Women were the first to protest, taunting the men to join them
What did the people want in February 1917? - An end to the war - Bread -Political change - though no party was leading the revolt
What finally brought an end to the Tsar? - The Tsar had ordered his men to fire on the protestors - led to the mutiny of the Petrograd Soviet - The Tsar dismissed the Duma - The Army High Command gave him no choice when they refused to follow any more orders
What policies weakened the Provisional Government? - The decision to continue the war - and offensively - They failed to legitimise the peasant take over of land - therefore food supplies stayed low in the cities - They refused to give minority nationalities autonomy -They failed to reform the economy
What mistakes did Kerensky make? - Launched the June Offensive which was a failure -Kornilov Affair left him discredited -He underestimated the Bolsheviks and armed them during the Kornilov Affair _ Tried moving the army against them in October therefore forcing the Revolution.
What were the key issues with the nature of the Provisional Government? - Dual Authority and Order Number 1 restricted their power. It considered itself to be a temporary body and therefore they were reluctant to make binding decisions - Divided between Socialists and Liberals -Moderate Socialists lost the support of the workers and the peasants
What strengths did the Bolsheviks have? - Policy of land redistribution gained peasant support -Lenin and his leadership - April Theses -Trotsky and his organisation skills - Not associated with the PG -Support was high in the revolutionary centres of Petrograd and Moscow
What evidence would suggest that the October Revolution was a popular revolution? - Bolsheviks were the only ones that offered an alternative to the PG -Upturn in peasant unrest - they were willing to support the Bolsheviks - Bolsheviks did well in the cities in the Constituent Assembly elections
How did the Bolsheviks stay in power in the first few months? - Closed the Constituent Assembly by force - Set up the Cheka to deal with opposition - Closed down opposition newspapers - Waged class warfare - Concessions to the workers e.g. worker control - Signed the Peace Treaty - Brest Litovsk
Why did Civil War break out in 1918? - Bolsheviks had seized power and still had a lot of opposition - the signing of the Treaty of Brest Litovsk angered the nationalists - The closing of the Constituent Assembly had angered the political opposition e.g. SRs
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