Nerve cells


VMED 5132 (Test 1) Flashcards on Nerve cells, created by Diamond Sapphire on 10/03/2020.
Diamond Sapphire
Flashcards by Diamond Sapphire, updated more than 1 year ago
Diamond Sapphire
Created by Diamond Sapphire almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Excitable cells that communicate via neurotransmitters; found in the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, and secretory structures Neurons
"cell body," "Perikaryon;" contain nucleus, cytoplasm, and nissl substance Soma
spheroidal shape; centrally placed; size is directly proportional to size of the neuron. Nucleus
Sex chromatin that may be found in the vicinity of the nucleolus or nuclear membrane Barr body
Why is the neuron's cytoplasm rich in nissl substance? Because the neuron is extremely active metabolically and requires the need for constant synthesis of structural proteins and metabolites
Composed of axon and dendrites Neuron processes
starts at the axon hillock and ends at terminal bouton Axon
The axon terminal of a_ _is usually in contact with the dendrite of a _ _. pre-synaptic neuron ; post-synaptic neuron
The extent of branching of the dendrite is described as... Arborization
What are the 5 categories of neurons? Unipolar, anaxonic, pseudounipolar, bipolar, multipolar
sensory neurons that from the body wall entering the spinal cord through the dorsal root Pseudounipolar neurons
Sensory neurons generally found in sense organs such as olfactory epithelium, retina, and cochlear Bipolar neurons
"Typical" textbook neuron; mostly motor neurons in the ventral horn of the spinal cord or cortex of the brain Multipolar neurons
Most sensory neurons are_? Bipolar
a large cell body requires _ excitatory input to become "excited" More
Presynaptic terminals (AKA telodendrons) is usually based on the type of _ that has been detected in the neuron or parts of the brain where they are localized neurotransmitter
_ _ contains cell bodies and _ _ contains mylenated axons grey matter; white matter
Also called the post- synaptic density because it is rich in structural proteins, cytoskeleton, receptors, ion channels, junctional complexes, and enzymes; significant amount on mitochondria present at post-synaptic site. Postsynaptic membrane
what are the 4 types of synapses? Axodendritic, axosomatic, axoaxonal, neuromuscular junction
chemical junction between a nerve terminal and a muscle spindle Neuromuscular junction
The neurotransmitter acting across the NMJ is...? acetylcholine
Support neurons structurally and metabolically; processes terminate in expansions called end feet Astrocytes
How do astrocytes represent a source of reserve energy? by storing glycogen and releasing glucose
How do astrocytes stop ongoing synaptic activity? by taking up neurotransmitter molecules from the synaptic cleft
Macrophages that are very active in neuroinflammation Microglia
in grey matter _ serve as perineuronal satellites ; in white matter they form myelin sheaths around axons, speeding up action potential propagation in CNS Oligodendrocytes
Form myelin sheaths around neurons in the peripheral nervous system Neurolemmocytes Aka Schwann cells
Form an epithelium that lines ventricular cavities within the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord; typically cuboidal or columnar with numerous motile cilia on their apical surfaces Ependymal cells
Groups of neurons Nerves
___ ___ is the longest nerve Sciatic nerve
Neurons are held together by what 3 connective tissues? Epineurium, perineurium, and endoneurium
Grey or white matter? Grey matter
Grey or white matter? White matter
1 Epineurium
2 Perineurium
3 Axon
4 Myelin
5 Endoneurium
Meissner’s corpuscle
Pacinian corpuscle
Neuromuscular junction
Sensory or motor? Sensory
Sensory or motor? Motor
nissl substance
axon hillock
soma/cell body/perikaryon
ependymal (note cuboidal/columnar shape and cilia)
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