topic 27 - Ethical Issues


A-Level Psychology A2 (RESEARCH METHODS) Flashcards on topic 27 - Ethical Issues, created by Charlotte Hewson on 30/04/2015.
Charlotte Hewson
Flashcards by Charlotte Hewson, updated more than 1 year ago
Charlotte Hewson
Created by Charlotte Hewson almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
what are the 6 ethical issues? -deception -consent -protection from harm -privacy -withdraw -confidentiality
what is a problem with informed consent? can reduce meaningfulness of research as they may guess the aim and so affect their behaviour
what is a problem with deception? may be necessary to the study as knowing true aims may affect their behaviour
what is a problem with protection from harm? may not be possible to estimate harm before a study however study should be stopped as soon as harm is apparent
what is one problem with privacy? some behaviour in public is still private. e.g. in a public toilet or confiding in a friend in a restaurant
what techniques are used to deal with these issues? -debriefing -providing informed consent (parents do in child's case) -right to withhold data -right to withdraw -anonymity
what is one problem with ethical guidelines? may discourage researchers from thinking about ethical issues for themselves. They may assume as long as they are obeying guidelines, what they do is acceptable
what is a problem with debriefing? may not remove the anxiety or distress. participant may still have psychological harm
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