Life Quality Factors


Flashcards on Life Quality Factors, created by abbieludlow on 30/04/2015.
Flashcards by abbieludlow, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by abbieludlow over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Occupation-Psycological Having something to do even though it might be boring
Stimulation-Pscological Having something to do and worthwhile-suitable challenge
Effective communication-Psycological Being kept informed and listened to
Choice-Psycological Being offered a number of options at least two
Autonomy-Psycological Independence or freedom
Equitable treatment-Psycological To be treated in a different way to others but in a way that is seen to be fair
Social contact-Psycological Having opportunities to be with other people
Social support-Psycological Having another person to share your troubles with
Approval-Psycological Being shown affection or praise
Privacy-Psycological Having the opportunity to be undisturbed or unobserved by others in a situation likely to cause embarrassment
Dignity-Psycological Showing a person respect and not being treated in a demeaning way
Confidentiality-Psycological Not communicating personal information about a client to others who have no need or right to know
Psycological security-Psycological The absense of fear or distressing anxiety
Exercise-Physical Physical activity to sustain or improve health and fitness
Nutrition-Physical Having a healthy balanced diet
Physical safety and hygiene-Physical The absense of serious risk of injury and serious risk of infection
Physical comfort-Physical The absense of excessive cold, heat or unpleasant stimulation
Freedom from pain-Physical Being without pain
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