Eduqas - RE GCSE - Sin and Forgiveness Definitions


GCSE Religious Education (RE) (Sin and Forgiveness) Flashcards on Eduqas - RE GCSE - Sin and Forgiveness Definitions, created by Malachy Moran-Tun on 06/10/2020.
Malachy Moran-Tun
Flashcards by Malachy Moran-Tun, updated more than 1 year ago
Malachy Moran-Tun
Created by Malachy Moran-Tun almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Sin An Offence Against God and Other People. Catholics Understand Sin in Different Ways: > Original Sin - A Condition which we are Born with > Venial Sin - Small Sins which we Commit Every Day > Mortal Sin - Serious Sins which Seriously Damage our Relationship with God
Absolutism The Idea that Something is ALWAYS Morally Right or Wrong. Catholics take an Absolutist Moral Stance on Issues such as Abortion and Euthanasia
Relativism The Idea that whether something is Morally Right or Wrong is "Relative" to the Situation or Circumstances. Liberal Christians often take a Relativistic Approach to Moral Issues
Salvation To be Saved. Christians Believe that Jesus has Saved us from Sin by his Life, Death and Resurrection. Jesus' death is often seen as an Atonement for Sin. Jesus Pays the Price for our Sin and Wins Salvation for Us
Forgiveness The Act of Pardoning an Offender for their Wrong-Doings. Forgiveness is Not "Letting People off the Hook". Christians Believe it is a Duty to Forgive Others because we Ourselves need Forgiveness from God
Punishment The Consequence given for an Offence. The main Christian Purpose of Punishment is to Help the Offender (or Sinner) Reform and Change
Eucharist A Greek word Literally meaning "Thanksgiving". In a Catholic Mass, commonly referred to as the Eucharist, we Receive the Body, Blood and Soul and Divinity of Jesus through transubstantiation. We give thanks for Jesus' Sacrifice on the Cross and all that God has done for Our Salvation
Evangelisation Literally meaning "to spread good news", which we interpret as Gospel: the Good News of Jesus' Life, Death and Resurrection. Christianity is a Proselytising Religion and thus Seeks out Converts.
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