Samuel and Bryant


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Georgia Bishop
Flashcards by Georgia Bishop, updated more than 1 year ago
Georgia Bishop
Created by Georgia Bishop over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Aim To investigate whether younger children have a better grasp of conservation if they are asked one quetsion instead of two.
How many participants 252 (boys and girls) aged between 5 and 8 1/2 opportunity sample from Devon
The groups age groups: 5yr3m, 6yr3m, 7yr3m, 8yr3m
What was the Independent Varible The condition (questions asked) Age of participants
what was the dependent varible Errors made Age - success on conservation tasks
The questions: Standard: before and post transformation One Judgement: post transformation Fixed Array: no transformation seen
How were the groups divided? The four age groups were further divided into 3 groups for the 3 different questions
The tests: Each child tested 4 times on the 3 materials (12 tests in total) Mass - play dough number - row of counters volume - water
Findings: condition differences Children mad fewer errors on one judgement (4) than standard (5) most errors made on fixed array (6)
Conclusion: condition differences children used information from pre-transformation to answer the finial question
Findings: Age younger made more errors under 5 (8.1) - 8 yearolds (2.1) (6yo,5.5 - 7yo,3.6)
Findings: Materials Fewer errors number task (4.0) Most on volume task (5.9)
Why the children found One Judgment easier Because they were asked the same question twice they may have thought they got it wrong the first time - due to demand characteristics they changed their answer.
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