1.6 Russian Foreign Policy


Leaving Cert History (Dictatorship and Democracy Flashcards) Flashcards on 1.6 Russian Foreign Policy, created by samstevenson2014 on 03/05/2015.
Flashcards by samstevenson2014, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by samstevenson2014 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What did Lenin hope after 1917? Communist revolutions would break out elsewhere in Europe
What did he set up in 1918 to give orders and money to communist parties? Communist International (Comintern)
Why did Britain, France and US distrust USSR? Lenin had pulled out of the war and made peace with Germany
What did Lenin make in 1922? With who? Treaty of Rapallo Other "outcast" nation; Germany
What did this mean? Germany would train their army in Russia and build arms factories
What grew when the Great Depression began in 1929? Communist parties in the West
What did this convince Stalin of? Marx' prediction of capitalism dying was true
What did Stalin order Communist Parties through Comintern? Not to co-operate with or prop-up democratic parties
How did this affect Hitler? It helped him gain power
Why did Stalin change his foreign policy? He realised the fascist threat
How did he end Soviet isolation? Joining the League of Nations in 1934
Who did Stalin seek alliances with? Capitalist governments
What did Hitler suggest in 1939? A non-aggression pact with the USSR
Where did the secret clauses in it allow Stalin to invade? Poland, Baltic states and Finland
When did Hitler eventually invade Russia? June 1941
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