
Flashcards on TRICKY WORDS. ORANGE GROUP, created by Ainhoa Garmendia on 12/10/2020.
Ainhoa Garmendia
Flashcards by Ainhoa Garmendia, updated more than 1 year ago
Ainhoa Garmendia
Created by Ainhoa Garmendia over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
father My father is fifty years old today.
mother I love my mother with all my heart.
also I also love my sister.
love Love is in the air.
always My mum is always right!
eight When I was eight I could not divide.
cover The put a cover over the piano.
every They visit their grandparents every ten days.
after We have Music after the recess.
of This bowl is made of china.
upon Once upon a time, there was a ....
once Once you try sushi you will want more.
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