3.5 Mussolini's Foreign Policy


Leaving Cert History (Dictatorship and Democracy Flashcards) Flashcards on 3.5 Mussolini's Foreign Policy, created by samstevenson2014 on 04/05/2015.
Flashcards by samstevenson2014, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by samstevenson2014 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What did Mussolini talk about doing when he came to power? Re-establishing old Roman Empire in the Mediterranean Mainly the Balkans
What else was his position up to 1936? Foreign Minister
What incident happened in 1923? The Corfu incident
What happened? Two Italian League of Nations workers were killed
Where were they working? Greek Albanian border
What did Mussolini see this as a chance to do? Move into the Balkans
Who did he demand compensation from? Greece
Where did he send his army? Why? Greek island of Corfu To enforce claim
Who backed League of Nations? What was the agreement made? Britain and France Greeks would pay compensation, if Mussolini withdrew troops
What did this show? Italy was not strong enough to defy great powers when they took a stand
What did Mussolini adopt the role of after this incident? International statesman
What did he help to negotiate in? The Locarno Pact and other international agreements
What did the Locarno Pact do? Mutually guaranteed peace in western Europe
What did he oppose in 1934? What did he organise? Hitler's move against Austria He organised Stresa Front to take a stand against Hitler's expansion plans
What was the Abyssinian Crisis When Mussolini invaded Abyssinia in 1935
What did the Emperor of Abyssinia do? Appealed to the League
What did public opinions force Britain and France to do? Agree to impose sanctions on Italy in 1936
What did Mussolini do? Abandon his alliance with Britain and France and move towards Hitler
How did Mussolini improve Italian influence in Spain? He sent 70,000 troops to help Franco (fascist support) during Spanish civil war in July 1936
Who else helped the fascists? What did this mean? Hitler The two dictators were drawn together
What did they sign in October 1936? The Rome-Berlin Axis
What did Mussolini then agree to? Hitler taking Austria
What did Mussolini sign with Hitler in 1939 acting as a peacemaker during the Munich crisis? The Pact of Steel
What was this agreement? A military alliance
When year did Mussolini enter the war? 1940
Where did the Italians do badly? Greece
Where were the Italians defeated? Libya, North Africa
When did Allies invade the south of Italy? 1943, after German army was defeated
What happened to Mussolini? He was ousted and replaced by a new Italian government who joined the Allies
What did the Germans do? Rescued Mussolini and set him up with a "puppet state" in north Italy
What then happened? Germans lost and Mussolini was captured and killed by anti-fascist partisans in 1945
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