04 Leader Skills


Leadership in Organizations Flashcards on 04 Leader Skills, created by Josefine Marie on 15/10/2020.
Josefine Marie
Flashcards by Josefine Marie, updated more than 1 year ago
Josefine Marie
Created by Josefine Marie almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Leader Skills The ability to use one’s knowledge and competencies to accomplish a set of goals and objectives. Shift from innate, stable personality characteristics (leader traits) to learned and developed skills and abilities needed for effective leadership (leader skills). Skills are what leaders can accomplish, whereas traits are who leaders are.
Three Skill Approach Technical Skills: knowledge and proficiency in specific type of work or activity Human Skills: Knowledge about and ability to work with people (social skills) Conceptual Skills: Ability to work with ideas and concepts (eg understanding the economic principles that affect the company)
Multistage Skill-Based Leadership Model Individual Attributes: General Cognitive Ability, Crystalized Cognitive Ability, Motivation, Personality Competencies: Problem-Solving Skills, Social Judgment Skills, Knowledge Leadership Outcomes: Effective Problem Solving, Performance
Evaluation of the Skills approach Strengths: - Stresses importance of developing specific skills through training and experience - First approach to create a structure of the process of leadership around skills (traits may result in skills which translate into behaviours) - helps to identify missing components between trait and behavioral theories Weaknesses - Highly leader-centric (followers don’t play a big role in this approach) - weak in predictive value, as it does not explain how skills lead to effectiveness - not widely applied in leadership settings, lack of formal training programs
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