14 Transformational, Transactional and Laissez Faire Leadership


Charisma & New Leadership Approach
Josefine Marie
Flashcards by Josefine Marie, updated more than 1 year ago
Josefine Marie
Created by Josefine Marie almost 4 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Transformational Leadership described - part of the New Leadership paradigm, attention to charismatic/motivational and affective elements of leadership - Transformational Leadership is a process that changes and transforms individuals, is concerned with emotions, values, ethics, standards and long-term goals
Transactional Leadership - Focus on exchange between leader and follower (eg. promotions for performance) - exchange of valued items (emotional, political, economical) - Focus on self-interest, thus limited in scope and impact
Transforming Leadership - Motivation, morality, ethical aspirations of both are raised - connection between leader and followers that raises the level of motivation and morality in both parties
Development of Full-Range Leadership Model - Transformational leaders articulate an attractive and realistic vision of the future that can be shared, stimulate subordinates to see old problems in new ways, support subordinates and pay attention to the differences among them
Assumptions of the Full-Range Leadership Model - Leadership continuum from transformational to transactional to laissez-faire leadership - Transformational leadership motivates followers beyond the expected by raising consciousness about value+importance of specific and idealized goals, transcending self-interest for the good of the team organization, adressing higher level needs - suggested that using charisma could elicit outcomes that were not positive (pseudo-transformational)
Pseudo-Transformational Leadership/The Dark Side of Charismatic Leadership - Leadership thats self-consumed, exploitative, and power-oriented - many leaders have allowed their personal goals to override the goals othe organization - some charismatic leaders are too sucessful at convincing followers to pursue a vision that can be disastrous
4 Transformational Leadership Factors Factor 1: Idealized influence (Charisma) > acting as strong role models, high moral and ethical standards, vision and sense of mission Factor 2: Inspirational motivation > communication of high expectations, symbols, establishing team spirit+shared vision Factor 3: Intellectual stimulation > stimulate followers to be creative+innovatie,challenge own beliefs, support in trying new approaches Factor 4: Individualized consideration > listening carefully, act as coach, help through personal challenges
Mechanisms of Transformational Leadership's Effectiveness - Intrinsic Motication - Identification - Internalization
2 Transactional Leadership Factors Factor 5: Contingent Reward Factor 6: Management by Exception
1 Non-Leadership Factor Factor 7: Laissez Faire > absence of leadership, hands-off, leader abdicates responsibility, delays decisions, gives no feedback, makes little effort
Additive Effect of Transformational Leadership - Transformational Leadership should be built on the foundation of transactional leadership, best leaders are both transformational and transactional
Evaluation Strengths: - treats leadership as process -emphasizes followers needs, values and morals etc etc Weaknesses: - Conceptual issues - measurement issues - training ofen focuses solely on the process of creating a vision
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