TEMA 12: Essential morphosyntactic elements of the English language. Essential communicative structures. Progressive usage of grammatical categories in oral and written productions to improve communication.


Oposiciones educación Temario Flashcards on TEMA 12: Essential morphosyntactic elements of the English language. Essential communicative structures. Progressive usage of grammatical categories in oral and written productions to improve communication. , created by piurmu26 on 08/05/2015.
Flashcards by piurmu26, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by piurmu26 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
TEMA 12 Definition of morphosyntax MORPHOLOGY= study of grammatical form SYNTAX= study of the relations of words in the sentences MORPHSYNTAX= rules for changing a word's form and combining them into sentences
Essential elements of morphosyntax 1) Morpheme 2) Words 3) Sentence
1. MORPHEME Smallest unit with meaning of a language. if a morpheme has got different pronunciations it is called an allomorph. FREE= can act as a word and appear with other lexemes BOUND= cannot occur at their own
Morphemes are studied by 1) Inflectional morphology -> the way in which words vary in order to express grammatical meanings. 2) Derivational morphology -> construction of new words
2. WORD A unit of language which carries meaning and consists of one or more morphemes. Words that have two or more steams are called compound words.
Classification of words 1) Closed classes: proposition, pronoun, determiner, conjuction, modal verb, primary verb. 2) Open classes: noun, adjetive, full adverb, adverb.
Processess to form words 1) Affixation: prefixation, sufixation 2) Compound words 3) Derivation
3. THE SENTENCE SENTENCE= basic unit of analysis of syntax. It is a set of words expressing meaning. CLAUSE= a set of words that make sense as a unit PHRASE= shorter unit which has the function of a word. "was going = eating"
Structure of a sentence QUIRCK Subject = a noun or a nominal function to which the action relies Predicate= a noun + a complement + object + adverbials
Classification of the sentences SIMPLE SENTENCES= one clause - attributive sentences : quality - predicative sentences: action MULTIPLE SNETENCES= more than one clause -compound sentences: with a co-ordinator -complex sentences: subordinated -adjectival sentences: defining or non-defining -adverbial sentences: related to the main clause by an adverb
Essential communicative structures Provide ss with the techniques and structures to make themselves understood. Depends of: -the internal linguistic laws -the intention of the speaker -the context
Essential communicative structures (examples) -beginning and ending a conversation -information, ideas, opinions -asking people to do things -decisions and interactions -offers and invitations -feelings -good and bad
Progressive usage of grammar (linguistic basis) SAUSSURE: descriptive grammar Difference between language and speech. language= internet human's linguistic abilities speech= patterned behaviour
Progressive usage of grammar (linguistic basis) CHOMSKY, difference between: COMPETENCE= speakers knowledge of the language PERFORMANCE= speaker's use of this rules
Progressive usage of grammar (conclusion of the linguistic basis) We need the grammatical knowledge of a language in order to become communicative competent as the grammatical structures are at the same time the most basic communicative patters.
Role of grammar in EFL (approaches to teach) Grammar can be taught by two approaches DEDUCTIVE= presents the ss a grammatical pattern and they practice by means of written or oral exercises. Best for the irregular patterns but demotivating. INDUCTIVE= gives ss example of different sentences, T guides with questions to deduce what rule has all the examples, and then the ss practice with exercises. Key: to know what to ask and to choose carefully the examples.
Role of grammar in EFL (how to teach it) -meaningful and contextualized activities, not just learning grammar for the shake of grammar (useless) -structural traditional approach -> graded from simple to difficult -functional-notional approach -> select structures with a communicative nature -corkscrew technique -> the structures appear in one unit and are repeated in different units after the first one
Role of grammar in EFL (didactic application) 1. PRESENTATION= meaningful context related to the ss' interests. 2. ISOLATION AND EXPLANATION= sometimes it can be necessary to leave the context behind. 3. PRACTICE = practice to assimilate in several times.
Role of grammar in EFL (contributions to a succesfull learning) UR -pre-learning -value and repetition -success-orientation -heterogeneity -teacher assistance -interesting activities
Conclusion -the knowledges of the rules of a language makes us free on its use. -grammatical competence is an essential part in the communicative competence development.
Bibliography HARMER, J (1989) Teaching and Learning grammar. Longmont LARSEEN-FREEMAN (2000) Techniques and principles in language learning. OUP.
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