Mosque info


AP Art History Flashcards on Mosque info, created by thatgirlwhostudies on 14/10/2013.
Flashcards by thatgirlwhostudies, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by thatgirlwhostudies over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What is the qibla? The direction Muslims face toward Mecca while praying.
When is and how do Muslims celebrate the Sabbath? Muslims celebrate the Sabbath on Fridays.
Who is an imam? The leader of a collective worship.
What is a minbar? The pulpit on which the imam stands.
What is a congregational mosque and what are two other names for it? Its a place for Muslims to worship. Other names are : Jame Mosque and Jamia Mosque.
What is a mihrab? What is a similar Greco-Roman architectural structure? A niche set into the qibla wall.
What is a maqsura? A screened area in the front of the mihrab.
What is a minaret and what purpose does it serve? Its a tower from which the faithful are called to worship.
What are iwans? Vaulted rectangular recess opening onto a courtyard.
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