Desert Glossary


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Flashcards by hannahlily973, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hannahlily973 over 9 years ago

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Question Answer
Perennials a plant that lives for more then 2 years
Ephemeral a plant marked by a short lifetime
Nocturnal At night, some animals are wake. after the sun goes down and the sand cools off, these nocturnal animals come out and hunt.
Succulents Plants which have parts that are abnormally thickened and fleshy. Usually to retain water in arid climates and harsh soil conditions
Lithosphere all land forms- earths crust and soils
Transpiration The process of water movement trough a plant and its evaporation from aerial pars, such as, stems and flowers
Hydrosphere water on the earths surface, such as rivers, oceans, lake etc
Hibernation During winter, animals burrow deep underground, venture into caves or simply dig under rocks and logs. Hibernation is a state of inactivity.
Atmosphere The thin layer of gases that surround the earth
Photosynthesis It is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert the carbon dioxide into oxygen
Desert's world coverage Desert's cover 30% of the worlds surface
Rainfall Deserts receive less than 250 mm of water each year
Xerophytes A species of plant that has adapted to survive in an environment with little water
Biosphere All plants and animals (living things) that are on earth
Where Do These Belong? 1. Kalahari 2. Gibson 3. Sahara 4. Patagonian 5. Arabian They Belong: 1. Africa 2. Australia 3. Africa 4. South America 5. Middle East
Cloud cover Clouds are a cover to keep in heat but deserts have no cloud cover
Desert's surface Deserts have few plants and hard wind-blown surfaces covered with rocks and sand
Where do these belong? 1. Kalahari 2. Gibson 3. Sahara 4. Patagonian 5. Arabian They Belong: 1. Australia 2. Africa 3. South America 4. Asia 5. North America
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