
BTEC ICT learning aim B flashcards
Flashcards by taylorb11, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by taylorb11 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The Internet What is PoP? Point of Presence- an access point to the internet; normally a location containing all hardware allowing people to access the internet.
The Internet What is NAP? Network Access Point- an interchange between networks within the internet.
The Internet What is IP? Internet Protocol- the protocol used to route packets of information across the internet.
The Internet What is TCP? Transmission Control Protocol- the protocol that takes data from a user's application program and passes it to the IP to be transferred across the internet.
The Internet What is FTP? File Transfer Protocol- Allows files to be transferred between two computers on a TCP-based network.
The Internet What is an ISP? Internet Service Provider- provides cost-effective gateway for people to access the internet.
The Internet What kind of other services do ISPs often also provide? Email, technical support, troubleshooting and web space for the development of websites.
The Internet What is a server? A program/computer that runs purely to serve the needs of other computers.
The Internet What is a Client? A computer that uses the services provided by the server.
The Internet What is a router? A piece of hardware that connects two or more networks.
The Internet What is a connecting backbone? The main connecting data routes between large and small networks in local regions.
The Internet Give some advantages and disadvantages of Wireless internet connection Not fixed to a computer, can be used wherever there's a wireless hub. Need a wireless hub, less secure connection, slower data transmission.
The Internet Give some advantages and disadvantages of Broadband connection. Can give better connections, faster than dial-up. Requires a base which is wired in, less flexible.
The Internet Give some advantages and disadvantages of Dial-up connection. Can use existing telephone circuits. technology can give poor reception, digital-analogue signals can cause errors, slower than other methods.
The Internet What is bandwidth and what is it measured in? a measure of the available capacity of a network, measured in bits per second.
The Internet What is transmission rate? The number of pieces of information that have been transferred per second (or during a set time period)
Worldwide Web 1 What is a web server? A computer on which websites are held on, delivers web pages to computers.
Worldwide web What is a Hypertext Markup Language? a language document files that need to be translated by web browsers are written in.
Worldwide web 1 What is HTML? A computer language used to create web pages.
Worldwide web 1 What programs can create HTML and how? Adobe Dreamweaver Microsoft Expression -They use templates and wizards.
Worldwide web 1 define a tag in terms of HTML. they usually operate in pairs and there is always an opening and closing tag. HTML's are made up of a series of tags.
Worldwide web 1 what is HTML used to do for a website? HTML builds up a whole website- colours it, positions text and images, etc.
Worldwide web 2 What does URL stand for? Uniform Resource Locator
Worldwide web 2 What is a URL? A string of characters that identifies a web page. URL's are made up of three components.
Worldwide web 2 How does a search engine work? They retrieve information from the HTML's of web pages and store them on an indexed database. When a phrase is searched it looks for 'best matches'.
Worldwide web 2 Search engines are not commercial businesses- true or false? false- companies can pay search engines to improve their position in the ranking.
Email How does Email use a store and forward system? An email is stored on an Email server, which is forwarded to the recipient when they sign in.
Email What is the list of contact details on an Email program? An address book.
Email What is an attachment? a file sent with an Email (e.g. photos, documents, spreadsheets)
Email What does it mean for an Email to be sent to multiple recipients? The same Email is sent to a number of people.
Email give four benefits of Email speed of delivery no cost added to broadband global scale multiple recipient delivery record of correspondence
Email give four drawbacks of Email. privacy and security must have internet access spam viruses phishing scams
Email What is SMTP? Simple Mail Transfer Protocol- the internet standard used for sending messages across IP networks
Email What is POP3? Post Office Protocol 3- used to retrieve emails from an email server over a TCP/IP connection.
Email What is IMAP? Internet Message Access Protocol- also retrieves Emails from servers.
Data exchange 1 What is VoIP? Voice over Internet Protocol- group of internet protocols that send voice and multimedia messages.
Data exchange 1 What is codec? a coder/decoder program required to run VoIP systems, digitises analogue voice signals.
Data exchange 1 data can be exchanged between a computer and a network without wires- true or false? true- wireless network.
name two alternative transmission methods. UTP/STP Coaxia Fibre optic
Data exchange 1 State the benefits of these methods of transmission UTP/STP- low cost and adaptable Coaxia- fast and reliable Fibre optic- fast, works over long distance
State the limitations of these transmission methods. UTP/STP- Slower and has less capacity Coaxia- costs more, susceptible to noise Fibre optic- complex connection equipment
Data exchange 2 name the three common modes of transmission. Simple transmission Half-duplex transmission Full duplex transmission
Data exchange What is simplex transmission? Sends data in one direction only.
Data exchange 2 What is half-duplex transmission? allows two-way transmissions, but not at the same time.
Data exchange 2 What is full-duplex transmission? allows two-way communication at the same time.
Data exchange 2 what is parallel transmission? A number of bits of data are transmitted over an equal number of wires/channels at the same time.
Data exchange 2 What is serial transmission? Bits of data are transmitted one at a time over a single wire/channel.
Data exchange 2 What is bi-directional transmission? transmitting in both directions.
Data exchange 2 What is client-side processing? The use of a scripting language to create code on web pages to provide interactivity.
Data exchange 2 Stat the advantages of client-side processing. Speed- the interaction may be faster Security- it is more secure as all action takes place in the page, nothing comes from the browser (avoids corruption or security problems)
Data exchange 2 State the disadvantages of client-side processing. Browser specific- may have to create different versions depending on the browser. computer speed- can be affected by the speed of your own computer
Data exchange What is server-side processing? Involves the use of scripts that are run on another computer. Information is submitted to a server which processes it to form a web page.
Data exchange 2 State the advantages of server-side processing. efficiency- does not have to be downloaded browser independent- runs on any browser speed- only affected by speed of web server
Data exchange 2 State the disadvantages of server-side processing. Security- security risks Overloading- server must be able to cope with lots of users
Data storage 1 How is data usually stored? In a database, in the form of a table.
Data storage 1 Name three data types. Text Number date/time logical (yes/no, true/false)
Data storage 1 What is a primary key? the unique identifier of each record in the table.
Data storage 1 What is a foreign key? A primary key to another table that is used to access associated information from many tables in only one query.
Data exchange 1 What is the link using a foreign key known as? The relation.
Data storage 1 Relationships can only be one-way. True or false? False- they can also be two-way, one-to-may or many-to-one.
Data storage 2 What is an online database? A database that is accessible using a network.
Data storage 2 Name two examples of special database software. KeepandShare Vectorwise Microsoft Office 365 Alventis
Data storage 2 What is a Database management system? the program that allows you to create and use any database that you need to.
Data storage 2 What is the high-level language used to undertake management activity? Structured Query Language.
Data storage 2 Name the two parts of Structured Query Language. Data Definition Language Data Manipulation Language
Data storage 2 What is Data Definition Language used for? To define the database structure.
Data Storage 2 What is Data Manipulation Language used for? To add, delete, change and query the data in the database structure.
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