'נביא שופטים פרק ב


'נביא שופטים פרק ב
Lala Brackman
Flashcards by Lala Brackman, updated more than 1 year ago
Lala Brackman
Created by Lala Brackman over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
על מי נעמר Who is it talking about?
'ויעל מלאך ה Pinchas
ואביא אתכם אל הארץ Hashem
לא אפר בריתי
לא תכרתו ברית
יהיו לכם למוקש other gods to Bn"y
וישואו את קולם ויבכו בנ"י
אשר האריכו ימים אחרי יהשוה Older people
'עבד ה Yehoshua
קברו אותו בגבול נחלתו בתמנת חרת יהשוע
'אשר לא ידעו את ה Later generations
וישסו אותם Hashem
יד ה' היתה בם בנ"י
ויושיעום מיד שסיהם שופטום
לא תפילו ממעלליהם ומדרכם הקשה בנ"י
ולא נתנם ביד יהושע nations
שאלות Questions
Who was the emissary of Hashem who rebuked Bn"y? Pinchas
Where did Pinchas go? Why was it named so? Pinchas went to Bochim which in English means "crying". It was called this because Bn"y cried there.
Who was the malach? Pinchas
What spiritual situation was Bn"y in in the times of Yehoshua and the Zkenim? Good
How old was Yehoshua when he died? 110
Where was Yehoshua buried? In Timnas Cheres
What did Bn"y do after Yehoshua died? They did evil in Hashem's eyes.
How did Has he react to this? Hashem delivered Bn"y into the hands of their enemies.
Who does Hashem send to save Bn"y? A Shofet.
Why did Hashem leave the other nations in Eretz Yisrael? To test Bn"y.
What's the third stage in the cycle in Sefer Shoftim? Bn"y Daven
What's the second stage of the cycle in Sefer Shoftim? Hashem sends enemy as a punishment.
What's the fifth stage of the cycle in Sefer Shoftim? Shofet dies and the cycle starts again.
What's the fourth stage of the cycle in Sefer Shoftim? Hashem sends a Shofet.
What's the first stage of the cycle in Sefer Shoftim? Bn"y do evil in Hashem's eyes.
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