Created by melissajay74
almost 10 years ago
Question | Answer |
Anatta | The idea of a permanent soul is rejected and a person is viewed as a moral being that is constantly changing. |
Quote to demonstrate the idea that there is no permanent self. (Questions of King Milinda) | Elder: 'when you were a tiny infant, newly born and quite soft, were you the same as the one who is grown up?’ |
Three Marks of Existence | Anatta, Dukkha, Anicca |
Dukkha Definition (Siddartha Grautama) | ‘sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair are Dukkha.’ |
Anicca | 'This too shall pass' |
Story to demonstrate Anicca and Dukkha | Story of the Mustard Seed |
Five Skhandahs | Rupa, Vedana, Sanna, Sankhara, Vinnana |
Rupa | The physical part of us. |
Vedana | Feelings and sensations we experience both physically and mentally (i.e. Pleasure and Pain) |
Sanna | Perceptions, How we view things (i.e making associations) |
Sankhara | Mental formulations |
Sankhara quote (from dhammapada) | ‘Mind precedes all mental states. Mind is their chief; they are all mind-wrought. If with an impure mind a person speaks or acts suffering follows him like the wheel that follows the foot of the ox’ |
Vinnana | Consciousness/Awareness |
Five Skandahs Quote (Questions of King Milinda) | ‘where all constituent parts are present, the word ‘chariot’ is applied. So likewise where the skandahs are, the term a ‘being’ is commonly used.’ |
Samsara | Literal Translation: To Flow On The Buddhist cyclical view of life. |
Karma Karmic Store | Karma 'action' Buddhists believe that any willed action or deed completed through our rupa (speech or body) or our sankhara (mind) has a karmic effect. |
Nature of Rebirth Analogy | Candle Analogy when the flame of one candle is used to light another it is not the same flame but it is not a different flame either. This shows that this is not a replica of one person being reborn but rather an essence of that person is passed on through rebirth. |
(Noss Quote) Nature of Rebirth | Nothing substantial passes over yet there is a definitive connection between one of the complex elements and the next.’ |
Importance of human rebirth story | Precious Rebirth Story A human rebirth is less likely to occur then a ring being placed in the sea and a specific one-eyed turtle who only surfaces every 100 years to poke its head through this ring. |
Three stages of Inner -Dissolution | 1 + 2 = pass whilst we are unaware 3 = The Bardo of Becoming |
The Bardo of Becoming | The intermediate state that lies between death and rebirth |
'mental body' | - memory of past karmic life fresh in mind - immense clarity -unlimited mobility - size of 8-10 year old (Dzogchen) |
Description of Bardo experience (Rinpoache) | ‘an entirely automatic or blind result of our previous actions or karma and nothing that occurs here is a conscious decision… of the being.’ |
Rinpoache 2 | 'we are simply buffeted around by the wind of karma' |
Tibetan Book of the Dead described motion of mental body from thoughts | 'like out of a catapult' |
Tibetan Book of the Dead; How to cope with the Bardo | 'Do not be distracted' |
Buddhist Chant (Practise for Bardo) | 'Nam Myoho Renge Kyo’ ‘I devote myself to the lotus sutra.’ |
Nibbana | 'Blowing out the flame' Nirvana, Release from the cycle, End of Dukkha Few achieve Nibbana. |
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