UNIT 11.1- Belief and value keywords


The key words to unit 11.1- Belief and value
Flashcards by Sehr, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Sehr over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Al-Qadar Allah's control of future events
Creativity Action of creating the universe by allah
Din Way of life (Belief and practise of islam)
Ibadah All acts of worship/any permissible actions performed to obey allah
Iman Faith in Allah
Islam Peace, gained through submission of allah
Khlaifah Custodian steward of the world for allah
Muslim One who submitted to Allah by accepting Islam
Quran That which is read or recited. The holy book of Islam
Risalah Muslims belief about the prophet of Allah
Shirk The sin of regarding anything as an equal partner to Allah
Tawhid Oneness of Allah
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