communication system


Undergraduate (college) electrical engineering 003 Flashcards on communication system, created by Lillian Mehler on 11/06/2015.
Lillian Mehler
Flashcards by Lillian Mehler, updated more than 1 year ago
Lillian Mehler
Created by Lillian Mehler over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Network: meant for communication via computers or cell phones (each device/ user is called a node). Goal: to have all nodes connect and communicate
Wide Area Network (WANs) largest, fiber optic, i.e. internet and telephone.
Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) - relatively smaller areas, fiber optic, I.E. local cable TV, large companies, governments.
Local Area Networks (LANs) small group of computers (<1000), twisted cable for short distance communication, can be wireless, I.E. small businesses and homes, Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity, 300 ft.)
Personal Area Networks (PANs) short-range, wireless (30 ft.), I.E. Bluetooth headset (which uses frequency hopping)
Home Area Networks (HANs) inside the home to control energy usage
Storage Area Networks (SANs) connect large data storage devices, I.E. HDDs to computers
Simplex- one-way communication A transmitter at one end and a receiver at the other, I.E. radio broadcasting, paging, remote control
Half Duplex- two-way communication, Two transmitters and two receivers, but only one party can transmit at a time, I.E. fax machines, police service, computer modems
Full Duplex- two-way communication. Two transmitters and two receivers. Both parties can transmit and receive information at the same time. I.E. cell phones
Radio Wave- electromagnetic wave that travels at the speed of light186,282 miles per 1 second!
Radio Transmitter- can generate an electromagnetic wave by applying an alternating (AC) voltage to an antenna
Electromagnetic Wave- The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength and thus the smaller the antenna.
Amplitude Modulation (AM)- voltage changes amplitude
Frequency Modulation (FM) carrier amplitude: constant, frequency: changes.
Phase Modulation (PM) a modulation pattern that encodes information as variations in the instantaneous phase of a carrier wave
Spread spectrum (SS)- developed during World War II to prevent the enemy from interpreting radio transmissions
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