The Cold War?


GCSE History (Cold war) Flashcards on The Cold War?, created by Tom van der Linden on 16/06/2015.
Tom van der Linden
Flashcards by Tom van der Linden, updated more than 1 year ago
Tom van der Linden
Created by Tom van der Linden over 9 years ago

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Question Answer
The USA-USSR alliance began to break down due to mistrust. What where the reasons for the mistrust? Different political systems. Communism vs Capitalism. And a history of mistrust. The USSR thought that the West were for Hitler as he wanted to wipe out communism.
When? Who? What? Was the Casablanca conference. January 1943. Roosevelt & Churchill. Increased bombing of German cities and the invasion of Italy. Germany would have to unconditionally surrender.
When? Who? What? Was the Tehran conference. November 1943. Roosevelt & Churchill & Stalin. D-Day and United Nations after the war. Russia would keep hold of the Baltic states.
When? Who? What? Was the Quebec conference. September 1944. Roosevelt & Churchill & Stalin. Post war Germany would be divided into Zones owned by America, Britain, France and Russia. It was the responsibility of each country to get their zones up and running and then pull out allowing Germany to become united again. The idea was to help Germany rebuild.
When? Who? What? Was the Moscow conference. December 1944. Roosevelt & Churchill & Stalin. 'Sphere of Influence' (If any eastern countries needed help it would be Russia's responsibility)
When? Who? What? Was the Yalta conference. February 1945. (The war was still on) Roosevelt & Churchill & Stalin. Berlin will be divided also. Russia will join the war against Japan. Eastern European countries will be liberated and hold free democratic elections. Stalin would keep the parts of Poland he had won and expand Poland into Germany widening the gap between Russia and Germany. Poland would have a pro Soviet government however Britain and America made sure some London Poles were in.
When? Who? What? Was the Potsdam conference. July 1945.(the war is over with Germany but not Japan.) Attlee(GB) Stalin & Truman(much more open in his hostility to Stalin.) Zone Boundaries. Russia could take whatever it wanted from the soviet zone and 10% of the western zones industrial equipment.(GB & USA thought this was too much) Truman was angry because stalin had arrested the non-communist leaders of Poland. Communism was coming to power in Eastern Europe (this alarmed the West). Finally Stalin was angry because of the dropping of the atomic bomb and the west will not tell him how to make one.
What countries were 'liberated' by the USSR? Poland. Czechoslovakia. Romania. Hungary. Bulgaria.
Who were the Muscovite's and what was their significance in the occupation of eastern Europe? They were communist people who had fled their countries due to the Nazi invasions and gone to Moscow. They were taken in by Russia and educated in communist ways (Brainwashed). They were made Loyal to Stalin. They believed that the way forward for their countries was a future in communism, supported by the USSR.
How were the countries 'Liberated'? The Red Army and the Muscovite's advanced out of Russia to P,H,B,R&C and liberated them by getting rid of the Nazi Brutality. HOWEVER they leave troops and native Muscovite's behind and occupy the countries. (they are not as brutal as the Nazi's).
How did the Muscovite's gain power? (Slicing Salami) The Muscovite's returned with the liberators so were immediately popular. They had been trained in ways to gain power and once in power gave all the jobs below them to communists thus insuring protection.
What was the Iron Curtain Speech? 1946 Churchill on tour to make money. (No longer prime minister) . Metaphor for USSR's occupation of the East shows aggression , lack of freedom of movement and vision. Talks about control being taken away from countries and given to Moscow.
How did Stalin see the Iron Curtain Speech? (his reasoning behind the accusations) ~ Churchill is selling war. ~ Russia wants peace. ~ Naturally he is making his bordering countries friendly.
What was the Truman Doctrine? This states that countries that were poor and devastated by war were more likely to fall to communism. Truman makes it American policy to help such countries. This is done as a blatant attempt to stop the spread f Communism.
What was Marshall Aid and the four reasons for it? The Truman Doctrine in Financial Practice. America decided to pump money into Europe to prevent communism taking hold in countries of poverty and want, to develop trading partners for future American business, to enable countries to financially grow after the war so America can be re payed and to make countries recover more quickly so capitalism is more appealing than communism.
What caused it? Previously it had been decided that a motorway, railway and 3 air corridors would be connecting west Berlin to west Germany. Stalin refused to allow West Berlin to receive Marshall aid as it was in the middle of communist Germany and would be an advertisement for the west.
Stalin's Options? What does he end up doing? Invade - too risky as America have an atomic bomb. Seize politically - doesn't work as the Social democrats get in. Therefore he shuts down all transport except the air corridors as the only way he can do this would involve shooting down American planes.
Details of the Airlifts? June 24th 1948 - May 12th 1949. 275000 flights. On average 1 flight/30 secs. 2000000 tonnes of supplies.
Consequences? Propaganda - East fail/West win. West form NATO.
NATO? Significance? North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Mutual defence treaty. Leader is always American. Therefore America can land planes in any base belonging to NATO and Russia are now in range of nuclear missiles.
In response to this Russia... Get Atom Bomb at the end of 49. 1955 in direct response to NATO Russia forms the Warsaw pact.
COLD WAR TIMELINE 49-61. Don't need to know but will help for understanding.
1949? R and A both have Nuclear warheads. NATO was formed. China became communist.
1950? Communist North Korea invade Anti-communist South Korea.
1952? USA develop Hydrogen bomb with the power of taking out Moscow.
1953? Stalin Dies.
1955? Warsaw pact. Stalin's successor Khrushchev lifts Tension between powers.
1956? Hungary tried to break away from soviet control. Red army invades.
1957? Russia manage to attach Nuclear weapons to rockets.
1960? Nuclear bombs can be fired from submarines. American spy plane is shot down over Soviet ground.
1961? Khrushchev orders the construction of the Berlin Wall.
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