HSC Business Studies - 2014 Section I - Multiple-choice questions


Section I
lydia le
Flashcards by lydia le, updated more than 1 year ago
lydia le
Created by lydia le over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Q1- Sally shops at a particular store as she has always received excellent service there. What type of factor is influencing her choice of store? (A) Economic (B) Government (C) Psychological (D) Sociocultural (C) Psychological
Q2- A business is planning to increase its market share by merging with a competitor. What financial objective does this best illustrate? (A) Growth (B) Liquidity (C) Profitability (D) Solvency (A) Growth
Q3- Kim is an independent contractor who cleans a school. Which of the following statements is true regarding Kim’s employment? (A) She is entitled to four weeks annual leave. (B) Her employment is subject to award conditions. (C) She is responsible for paying her own income tax. (D) She is entitled to maternity leave provided by the school. (C) She is responsible for paying her own income tax.
Q4- Grievance procedures are used when (A) employees are ill. (B) employees have complaints. (C) employees are being appraised. (D) employers want to increase prices. (B) employees have complaints.
Q5- Which of the following are all examples of operations performance objectives? (A) Choice, flexibility, profit, speed (B) Cost, dependability, quality, speed (C) Customisation, flexibility, profit, quality (D) Choice, customisation, dependability, profit (B) Cost, dependability, quality, speed
Q6- A new business is experiencing a rapid increase in sales following a series of positive posts on social media. Which stages of the product life cycle is the business experiencing? (A) Growth to maturity (B) Growth to post maturity (C) Establishment to growth (D) Establishment to maturity (C) Establishment to growth
Q7- A car assembly plant had to shut down operations for a day because tyres had not been delivered. What inventory management strategy at the car assembly plant may have caused this situation? (A) Just-in-case (B) Just-in-time (C) First-in-first-out (D) Last-in-first-out (B) Just-in-time
Q8- A business has shifted from intensive distribution to more selective distribution. What is the most likely reason for this? (A) To increase market share (B) To decrease personal selling strategies (C) To re-position products as higher quality (D) To expand the number of intermediaries (C) To re-position products as higher quality
Q9- What is the main reason for a business using penetration pricing? (A) To maximise profit per unit (B) To gain short-term market share (C) To develop a reputation for quality (D) To take advantage of a lack of competition (B) To gain short-term market share
Q-10 Which of the following would be found on an income statement? (A) Accounts payable (B) Gross profit (C) Intangibles (D) Net assets (B) Gross profit
Q-11 An Australian business sells its Bonza Pies in both Australia and China. Bonza Pies sold in China are made to a different recipe. What is this an example of? (A) Customisation and hedging (B) Global pricing and standardisation (C) Customisation and global branding (D) Global branding and standardisation (C) Customisation and global branding
Q12 Work patterns in Australia have changed over the past 20 years. An example of such a change is the decrease in (A) casualisation. (B) part-time positions. (C) female participation. (D) full-time male participation. (D) full-time male participation.
Q-13 What is a reason for a business to use a democratic leadership style? (A) It has a project with a tight deadline. (B) It has experienced, highly skilled employees. (C) There is a need for more standardised products. (D) There is a potentially dangerous work situation. (B) It has experienced, highly skilled employees.
Q-14 Why would a business choose debentures as a source of funding? (A) To reduce financial risk (B) To provide security over assets (C) To retain ownership and control (D) To obtain cheap, short-term finance (C) To retain ownership and control
Q-15 What is the most likely result of a business achieving economies of scale? (A) Greater flexibility (B) Higher sales price per unit (C) Greater efficiencies in production (D) Higher average costs of production (C) Greater efficiencies in production
Q-16 What is the most likely impact of a recession on human resources? (A) Increase in wages (B) Increase in overtime (C) Decrease in involuntary separation (D) Decrease in employee bargaining power (D) Decrease in employee bargaining power
Q-17 Which of the following is an example of legal compliance for a sports store? (A) Paying taxes on time (B) Offsetting carbon emissions (C) Induction of new employees (D) Paying dividends to shareholders (A) Paying taxes on time
Q-18 A Gantt chart for Sam’s Chocolate Shop is shown. What does this Gantt chart show? (A) Selection and training of staff will begin in May. (B) The shop will be open for business at the end of April. (C) Stock purchases and advertising will be done simultaneously. (D) Some stock will be purchased before the shop is completely refitted. (D) Some stock will be purchased before the shop is completely refitted.
Q-19 Use the following information to answer Questions 19–20. 19 (A) It is better than industry average and has improved since 2013. (B) It is better than industry average and has worsened since 2013. (C) It is worse than industry average and has improved since 2013. (D) It is worse than industry average and has worsened since 2013. (A) It is better than industry average and has improved since 2013.
Q-20 Which of the following statements is true about gearing for Kerry’s Warehouse in 2014? (A) It is better than industry average and has improved since 2013. (B) It is better than industry average and has worsened since 2013. (C) It is worse than industry average and has improved since 2013. (D) It is worse than industry average and has worsened since 2013. (D) It is worse than industry average and has worsened since 2013.
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