Ivana Lara Aguirre (Irregular vebs)


Flashcards on Ivana Lara Aguirre (Irregular vebs), created by Ivana Lara Aguirre on 21/03/2021.
Ivana Lara Aguirre
Flashcards by Ivana Lara Aguirre, updated more than 1 year ago
Ivana Lara Aguirre
Created by Ivana Lara Aguirre over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico e Industrial de Servicios N° 107 ENGLISH *Flash-cards irregular verbs* Student's name: Ivana Lara Aguirre Teacher's name: Dr. Hermes Meza Hernández Grade and Group: 2 CLO M Arise Arose "Surgió"
Be Was/Were "Fue/Estuvo" Beat Beat "Golpeó"
Become Became "Convirtió" Begin Began "Comenzó"
Bet Bet/Betted "Apostó" Bite Bit "Mordió"
Bleed Bled "Sangró" Blow Blew "Sopló"
Break Broke "Rompió" Bring Brought "Trajo"
Build Built "Construyó" Buy Bought "Compró"
Catch Caught "Atrapó" Choose Chose "Eligió"
Come Came "Llegó" Cost Cost "Costó"
Creep Crept "Arrastró" Cut Cut "Cortó"
Deal Dealt "Dio/Repartió" Do Did "Hizo"
Draw Drew "Dibujó" Dream Dreamt/Dreamed "Soñó"
Drink Drank "Bebió" Drive Drove "Condujo"
Eat Ate "Comió" Fall Fell "Cayó"
Feed Fed "Alimentó" Feel Felt "Sintió"
Fight Found "Peleó" Find Found "Encontró"
Flee Fled "Huyó" Fly Flew "Voló"
Forget Forgot "Olvidó" Forgive Forgave "Perdonó"
Forsake Forsook "Abandonó" Freeze Froze "Congeló"
Get Got "Obtuvo" Give Gave "Dio"
Go Went "Fue" Grind Ground "Molió"
Grow Grew "Creció" Hang Hung "Colgó"
Have Had "Tuvo" Hear Heard "Escuchó"
Hide Hid "Escondió" Hit Hit "Golpeó"
Hold Held "Mantuvo" Hurt Hurt "Hirió"
Keep Kept "Guardó" Kneel Knelt "Arrodilló"
Know Knew "Supo" Lead Led "Encabezó"
Learn Learnt/Learned "Aprendió" Leave Left "Salió"
Lend Lent "Prestó" Let Let "Dejó"
Lie Lay "Yació" Lose Lost "Perdió"
Make Made "Hizo" Mean Meant "Significó"
Meet Met "Conoció/Encontró" Pay Paid "Pagó"
Put Put "Puso" Quit Quit/Quitted "Abandonó"
Read Read "Leyó" Ride Rode "Montó"
Ring Rang "Llamó" Rise Rose "Elevó"
Run Ran "Corrió" Say Said "Dijo"
See Saw "Vió" Sell Sold "Vendió"
Send Sent "Envió" Set Set "Fijó"
Sew Sewed "Cosió" Shake Shook "Sacudio"
Shine Shone "Brilló" Shoot Shot "Disparó"
Show Showed "Mostró" Shrink Shrank/Shrunk "Encogió"
Shut Shut "Cerró" Sing Sang "Cantó"
Sink Sank "Hundió" Sit Sat "Sentó"
Sleep Slept "Durmió" Slide Slid "Deslizó"
Sow Sowed "Sembró" Speak Spoke "Habló"
Spell Spelt/Spelled "Deletreó" Spend Spent "Gastó"
Spill Spilt/Spilled "Derramó" Split Split "Partió"
Spoil Spoit/Spoiled "Estropeó" Spread Spread "Extendió"
Stand Stood "Permaneció" Steal Stole "Robó"
Sting Stung "Picó" Stink Stank/Stunk "Apestó"
Strike Struck "Golpeó" Swear Swore "Juró"
Sweep Swept "Barrió" Swim Swam "Nadó"
Take Took "Tomó" Teach Taught "Enseñó"
Tear Tore "Rompió" Tell Told "Dijo"
Think Thought "Pensó" Throw Threw "Lanzó"
Tread Trode "Pisó" Understand Understood "Entendió"
Wake Woke "Despertó" Wear Wore "Vistió"
Weave Wove "Tejió" Weep Wept "Lloró"
Win Won "Ganó" Wring Wrung "Retorció"
Write Wrote "Escribió" Ivana Lara Aguirre 2 CLO M
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