Physics Formulae


Formulae of phusics calculations
Connie Ndoro
Flashcards by Connie Ndoro, updated more than 1 year ago
Connie Ndoro
Created by Connie Ndoro over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
AREA Length × width side×side 1/2bh or1/2 absin¤ (¤← theatr a.k.a the given angle)
VOLUME Length x width x height cubic metres
What is The formula for calculating DENSITY? mass ÷ volume (kg/m-3)
what is the formula for calculating SPEED? Distance ÷ time (m/s )
what are the formulae for Calculating ACCELERATION ? s: distance travelled u: initial velocity (m/s ) v: final velocity (m/s) a: acceleration(m/s ^2) t: time taken(s) change in velocity ÷ time a=V- U ÷ t V = u + at Average speed = t(u+v) ÷2 s =ut +1/2 at ^2 v^2 = U + 2as
what is the formula for calculating FORCE? Mass x acceleration(l<g/m s^2) or Mass × distance from the pivot (N)
what is the formula for calculating PRESSURE? force x area (Pascals (Pa))
what is the formula for calculating WORK? f orcex distance (joules (j ))
what is to formula for calculating POWER? work × time or
what is PHYTHAGORUS THEOREM? c^2 =a^2+b^2
How does one calculate GRADIENT ? change in y axis ÷Change in x axis
How does one calculate WEIGHT? mass × acceleration due to gravity. w=mg ( g= 9,81 m/s but is normally written as 10 M/s)
How do you calculate GRAVITATIONAL FIELD STRENGTH? weight ÷ mass
How does one calculate UNIT EXTENSION of A SPRING ? k constant ( unit extension) = force ÷extension or cweight)force = kx
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