World War One


Unit Test Review
Flashcards by XananyaX, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by XananyaX about 9 years ago

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Question Answer
What was Canada's role in the battle of Somme? Newfoundlanders were instructed to walk across No Man's Land while the Germans were firing. Their courage and bravery was shown in this battle because they got fairly near to the German trenches. The french canadians also captured courcelet
What was the Battle of Somme known as? one of the largest and bloodiest battles of the war.
How long for the Battle of somme fought? 4 months (1915-1916)
What was the Canadian role in the battle of Ypres? This was the first major battle that Canada fought in and they showed their bravery by holding their ground against the chlorine gas attack.
What was the battle of Ypres known for? This battle was known for involving a new weapon of war: chroline gas.
When did the battle of Ypres take place? April 22 to April 24 1915
Who was involved in the battle of Somme? British general Haig, Newfoundlanders, British troops & french canadian troops.
Who was involved in the battke of Ypres? The first canadian division, the french-algerian troops.
Who was involved in the battle of Vimy Ridge? British & French troops, all four of the canadian divisions, arthur currie, julian byng.
What was the significance of Vimy Ridge? Canada showed their bravery and careful planning and won the battle whereas british troops couldnt. This made britian realize that they didnt need a british officer in command of canadian troops. Arthur currie became the first commander.
What was the main tactic in the battle of Vimy Ridge? maintaining a creeping barrage while troops continued moving forward
Who was involved in the battle of passchendaele? Canadian troops
which battles took place where? Ypres: Belgium Somme: France Vimy Ridge: France Passchendaele: Belgium
what was the battle of passchendaele known for? it was known for being one of the most muddiest, dirtiest battles because of so many marshes and swamps which made it hard for troops to move
When was the battle of passchendaele? 1917
What is the league of nations? Created by the US president in which the countries that joined agreed to take cooperative economic and military actions against countries that showed agressiveness.
What were germany's punishment? BRAT
what is armistice day? At 11 AM, on November 11th 1918 the guns fell silent (remembrance day)
What is shell shock? Soldiers came hone and experienced shell shock from veing traumatized by the wars bombings and shooting
Why did the Shlieffen Plan fail? 5 Reasons: British, Russia, France, Belgium, Alfred von Schlieffen
What are the main causes of war? MAIN
What is the definition of propaganda? The systematic spreading of ideas in order to influence people to support a certain point of view
What is the significance of Propaganda posters? tv and radio was too expensive. helps with voluntary war effort and conscription not needed.
Who are enemy aliens? immigrants in canada from enemy countries
Who was the canadian pM Robert borden(1911-1920) issued many taxes and acts
Name all the acts issued by robert borden? (5) military voters, wartime elections, wartime measures, dominion elections, military service \ conscription
when was the red baron killed? April 21st 1918 by canadian pilit roy brown
what were convoys? u- boat body guards
what was the western front? where most battles took place.
who is billy bishop? canadian famous pilot
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