

Flashcards on week3, created by a.nicole.ingram on 10/08/2015.
Flashcards by a.nicole.ingram, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by a.nicole.ingram about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
talipes spongy porous bone tissue
demis middle layer of skin
keratin hard protein found in epidermis
foramen opening in bones where vessels & nerves leave & enter
mastoid process projection of temporal bone
spondylolisthesis slipping of vertebra
paronychia inflammation of soft tissue around nail
scapula shoulder bone
fibula smallest bone in lower legs bone
talipes clubfoot
comminuted fracture splinted /crushed bone
systemic lupus erythematosus inflammatory disease of joints & collengen of skin
leiomyosarcoma malignant tumor of smooth muscle
kyphosis humpback
clavicle collarbone
patella kneecap
decubitus ulcer bed sore
diaphoresis profuse sweating
psoriasis dermatosis w/ silvery scales on skin
squamous cell epithelial cell in the epidermis
phosphorus mineral substance in bone
urticaria hives
fascia fibrous membrane separating membrane
myocardial heart muscle
nevus mole
collagen structural protein found in skin & connective tissue
polymyalgia many muscle pain
epiphysis end of long bone
femur thigh bone
scleroderma hardening connective tissue
fossa cavity in bone
collagen protein in skin and connective tissue
polymyalgia many muscle pain
epiphysis end of leg bone
femur thigh bone
scleroderma connective tissue where skin hardens
fossa cavity in bone
diaphysis shaft of long bone
disk round plate like structure between two vertebrae
fontanella soft spot of an infant
fissure slit like opening between bone
facial bone bone of the face
haversian canals minute space filled with bld vessels
malleous process on side of ankle joint
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