Maintaining the enviromental balance


Know about to how the enviroment is always balanced
Aaradhya Rastogi
Flashcards by Aaradhya Rastogi, updated more than 1 year ago
Aaradhya Rastogi
Created by Aaradhya Rastogi over 3 years ago

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Question Answer
Living beings take in Oxygen and throw out Carbon Dioxide the plants use this same Carbon Dioxide to make food and throw out Oxygen. This is how the amount of Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen is maintained in the air.
Plants take the Carbon Dioxide from the air and water and minerals from the soil to make food, which animals eat. Plants and animals use energy for growth the bodies of plants and animals comes from soil, air and water. Decomposers break down the bodies of plants and animals they return matter to the soil this helps the envinroment keep balance
Nature has the right amount of plants, herbivores and carnivores .If any one these elements vanish from the earth the whole balance will be disturbed for example: Imagine that carnivores disappear from the world. the herbivores will increase because no one is there to kill them. They will eat a lot of plants and plants will also vanish and at the end herbivores will also die.
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