

how to maintain ecosystem balance
Abhirami Nair
Flashcards by Abhirami Nair, updated more than 1 year ago
Abhirami Nair
Created by Abhirami Nair over 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Ecosystem is the interaction of organisms with one another and with their environment.
In an ecosystem, the producers plays the most important role. That is the plants. Plants not only provide food, but contribute highly for the oxygen. The amount of Co2 and oxygen is stable in the ecosystem because of the plants. So discourage deforestation.
The number of consumers like herbivores and carnivores are kept in a balance by the nature itself. Hence animals should not be harmed by the humans. When the consumers are dead the stored energy is returned back to the soil by decomposers. So avoid polluting the soil by plastics and non-biodegradable things
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