Science: Heat, Light and Sound


Flashcards on Science: Heat, Light and Sound, created by Nina Alston on 26/08/2015.
Nina Alston
Flashcards by Nina Alston, updated more than 1 year ago
Nina Alston
Created by Nina Alston about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Absolute Zero The lowest possible temperature, -273
Conduction a method of heat transfer in which heat is passed by vibration of particles
Conductor A substance that allows heat to flow through it
Convection Transfer of heat in a liquid or gas due to less dense, warmer matter rising and denser, cooler matter falling
Insulator A material that does not conduct heat
Radiation Movement of heat in the form of electromagnetic waves which can travel through a vacuum
Temperature a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a substance that results in how hot or cold the substance is
Thermometer an instrument used to measure temperature
Compression A region of high pressure where particles are close together
Decibel (dB) Unit used to measure loudness
Echo A sound that is reflected and heard a second time
Frequency the number of waves passing a point every second
Hertz (Hz) The unit used to measure frequency
Infrasound The sounds produced by waves of vert low frequency, less that 20 Hz
Longitudinal Wave A wave in which the vibration is in the same direction that the wave is traveling
Rarefaction A region of low pressure, in which particles are far apart
Sound Wave Regions og high and low pressure originating from a vibrating object and transmitted through a medium
Tinnitus Constant ringing in the ears caused by prolonged exposure to loud sounds
Transverse Wave A wave in which the vibration is at right angles to the direction of the wave is travelling
Wave Length The distance from one peak of a wave to the next
Ultrasound The sounds produced by waves of greater frequency than humans can hear (Greater than 20,000 Hz)
Angle of Incidence, (i) the angle an incoming ray makes with the normal
Angle of Reflection (r) the angle of a reflected ray makes with the normal
Angle of Refraction (r) the angle a refracted ray makes with the normal
Critical Angle The angle of incidence of light that produces an angle of refraction of 90 degrees
Diffuse Reflection Reflection of light in many directions from an uneven surface such as a book or a backpack
Incident Ray Incoming Ray
Lateral Inversion The sideways or left-to-right reversal of an image in a plane mirror
Law of Reflection The law stating that light is reflected at the same angle that it is incident, or i=r
Normal An imaginary line that is drawn at right angles to a surface that light is incident upon
Plane Mirror A flat mirror
Refraction the bending of light as it enters or leaves different substances
Refractive Index a measure of how easily light travels through a substance
Regular Reflection Reflection of light from a very smooth surface, such as still water or a mirror; it produces a clear image
Total Internal Reflection When light is completely reflected from the boundary of two substances; it occurs when the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle
Virtual Image A type of image formed in which the rays of light do not actually meet, but only appear to meet at a point inside the mirror
List the three processes of heat Transfer Conduction, Convection and Radiation
Name the only process that can transfer heat through the vacuum of space Radiation
State whether sound travels fastest in a solid, a liquid or a gas Sounds travel faster in a solid as there is more matter for the particles to bounce off.
What are the 3 common measurements of temperature Celcius degrees c, Fahrenheit (oF), kelvin (K)
How would heat transfer from one side of the solid to the other? Particles near the flame vibrate more quickly as they absorb heat energy. These vibrations, from particle to particle, conduct the heat along the solid
Name 5 Conductors silver, Copper, Gold, Aluminum, Magnesium, Tungesten, Nickel, Mercury, PLatinum, Iron
Name 5 Insulators Oil, Fur, Silk, Wool, Rubber, Porcelain, Glass, Plastic, Wood, Paper, Wax, Plastic, Air, Cloth
Explain how convection heat works? as air is heated, its particles gain energy and move further apart. this hot air is less dense than cool air, and so it is pushed upwards by cooler air around it
Explain how water heats up by convection Particles gain heat from the base of the saucepan . cooler liquid sinks down and is then heated, and the cycle continues
What happens when radiated heat hits dark colours? Dark Colours absorb radiated heat
what happens when radiated heat hits light colours? light colours reflect radiated heat
what happens when radiated heat hits a clear material? clear materials, such as glass, transmit radiated heat
what are compressions compressions is when air particles are bunched together
what is a rarefaction regions where air particles are more spread out are called rarefactions
what is a sound wave is the movement of alternating rarefactions and compression
What does a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope compare? a cathode Ray oscilloscope compares sound
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