Philosophy 151


Flashcards on Philosophy 151, created by Deb King on 28/08/2015.
Deb King
Flashcards by Deb King, updated more than 1 year ago
Deb King
Created by Deb King about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
The Cave Allegory about the path to wisdom and the illusory nature of the physical world
Dialectical Finding pure ideas and the high forms
Epistemology Study of knowledge A branch of philosophy that investigates the origin of nature, methods, and limits of human knowledge
Forms Abstract pattern in objects but not an object itself; an ideal
Hypothetical Reasoning and deduction
Imaginary Images of things knowable by the senses Reflections, drawings, shadows, etc
Intellect Part of the soul or psyche thinking judgment ideas
Intelligible What is known with pure intellect Unchanging
Metaphysics Big existential questions; determining what is real The branch of philosophy that treats of first principles, includes ontology and cosmology and is intimately connected with epistomology
The Myth of Er Myth told by Plato to give his idea of a just afterlife
Objective Things that are known by the senses
Passion Part of the soul or psyche gratifies desire satisfies senses
Philodoxy Love of doctrine, using beliefs to determine identity
Philosophy Love of wisdom The rational investigation of the truths of being, knowledge or conduct
Plato 427-347 BCE, Greek philosopher
Platonic Form Abstract ideal Standard of being for objects Standard of knowing for ideas
Psychological Ideas Not forms Changeable May be wrong
Pythagoreans Influenced Plato Combined mysticism and mathematics
Republic Written by Plato; collections of fictional dialogue Philosophical dialogue (4th century BCE) by Plato dealing with the composition and structure of the ideal state
The Ring Myth that suggests no difference between the actions of the just and the actions of the unjust when there are no consequences
Sensable What is known with the senses Changeable
Socrates 469-399 BCE, Athenian philosopher
Spirit Part of the soul or psyche emotions attitude
Thales Father of western philosophy; military strategist, astronomer, mathematician 640-546 BCE, Greek philosopher born in MIletus
Values Inquiry Determining what is worthwhile or has value
Wisdom How to navigate between what is and what should be The quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgement as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight
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