Histology Ch. 2- Cell Structure and Function


Histology Flashcards on Histology Ch. 2- Cell Structure and Function, created by nerdy2641 on 05/09/2015.
Flashcards by nerdy2641, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nerdy2641 about 9 years ago

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Question Answer
Define histology. Histology is the study of the tissues (cells, organs, organ system) of plants and animals.
Histology is also known as: microscopic anatomy
Define cell. Cell is the basic structural and functional unit of the body. OR Cell is the basic unit of construction of organisms.
Cell structure defines: function
The body is composed of: 1) cells 2) connections between the cells 3) connections between the cells and extracellular matrix
Similar or related cells form ___. They serve a ___ ___ or function in a particular manner. a) tissues b) common purpose
The four basic tissues are: 1) supporting/connective tissue (including blood, although sometimes blood is considered a separate tissue) 2) epithelia 3) muscle 4) nervous
Tissues can contain a mixture of functionally specialized cells (___) and less specialized supporting tissue (___). a) parenchyma b) stroma
Tissues form: organs (e.g. liver, heart, eye)
Groups of organs that serve a common function are known as: organ systems (e.g. digestion, reproduction, respiration)
Structure is ____ correlated with ___. a) highly b) function
Functions are based on the ___ properties of cells. These include: a) physiological 1) irritability 2) conductivity 3) contractility 4) absorption 5) assimilation 6) secretion 7) excretion 8) respiration 9) growth 10) reproduction
Cell functions are basically: the synthesis and breakdown of molecules
What are the basic molecules found in cells? 1) proteins 2) carbohydrates 3) lipids 4) nucleic acids
The basic molecules form the ___ that we see as well as contribute to the ___ of the cell. a) structure b) functioning
The basic components of the cell are the ___, divided into ___ and ___, subcellular elements known as ___, and ___. a) protoplasm b) cytoplasm c) nucleoplasm d) organelles e) cytoplasm
Each eukaryotic cell is surrounded by a ___ )also known as the cell membrame, plasmalemma, or plasma membrane). membrane
The cell membrane is bilayered and semipermeable, composed of: 1) amphipathic phospholipids 2) cholesterol (which is also amphipathic) 3) proteins
The phospholipids are amphipathic because they have: polar or hydrophilic heads and non-polar or hydrophobic tails
Cholesterol in the cell membrane is ___ and provides ___. a) amphipathic b) stability
The cell membrane being semipermeable means that: It permits some molecules to pass through but excludes some molecules require specific transport processes to get them, into or out of the cell.
The phospholipid bilayer is ___. Molecules within it can move around a bit; this is also known as the "___ ___ ___" of the plasma membrane. a) flexible b) fluid mosaic model
What are the functions of the cell membrane? 1. maintain ___ ___ of the cell 2. controls movement of substances ___ and ___ of the cell 3. regulates cell-cell ___ or ___ 4. recognize antigens, foreign cells, and ___ cells by way of ___ 5. acts as an ___ between cytoplasm and "beyond" 6. establishes ___ systems for specific molecules 7. changes extracellular ___ and/or ___ signals into ___ events (part of communication process). 1. structural integrity 2. into; out 3. interactions; attachments 4. altered; receptors 5. interface 6. transport 7. physical; chemical; intracellular
The cell membrane proteins either span the lipid bilayer ( ___ or ___ proteins) or are present on the ___ (internal leaflet) side or external (outer leaflet) side ( ___ proteins). a) integral b) transmembrane c) cytoplasm d) peripheral
Some transmembrane proteins are ___ proteins, having ___ folds from the ___ of the cell to the ___ with portions of protein molecules having receptor sites for specific ___ ___. The proteins have ___ ____. a) multipass b) multiple c) inside d) outside e) signaling proteins f) limited mobility
The cell membrane is ___ visible with the ___ microscope. a) not b) light
What is seen is the ___ or "fuzzy coat" of ___ chains attached to ___ proteins or ___ of the outer leaflet or extracellular matrix molecules. a) glycocalyx b) carbohydrate c) transmembrane proteins d) phospholipids
The glycocalyx protects the cell from: 1) toxins 2) chemical and physical injury 3) participates in cell-cell recognition and adhesion
___ (oxygen and lipids) and ___ ___ molecules (water) move across the cell membrane by ___ ___ in response to the ___ ___. a) Nonpolar b) uncharged polar c) passive diffusion d) concentration gradient
Molecules move from ___ ___ to ___ until ___ are the same. a) high concentration b) low concentration c) concentrations
___ leak creates an ___ ___ across the membrane. b) Potassium c) electrical potential
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