AHST 1304: Test 1


AHST 1304 test1
Molly M Wade
Flashcards by Molly M Wade, updated more than 1 year ago
Molly M Wade
Created by Molly M Wade about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Baptistry Pulpit, Nicola Pisano, 1260, Duomo, Pisa, Italy
Nativity, Nicola Pisano, 1260, Duomo, Pisa, Italy
Lamentation, Giotto, 1305, Arena Chapel, Padua, Italy
Maestà Altarpiece, Duccio, 1308-1311, Sienna, Italy
Betrayal of Jesus (or Kiss of Judas), Duccio, 1308-1311, Siena, Italy
Arnolfo di Cambio and Brunelleschi, Cathedral of Santa Maria de Fiore, 13th-15th century, Florence, Italy
Michelozzo, Medici Palace, begun 1446, Florence, Italy
St. Mark of Orsanmichele, Donatello, 1411-1416, Florence, Italy
St. George of Orsanmichele, Donatello, 1420, Florence, Italy
St. George and the Dragon, Donatello, 1420, Florence, Italy
Feast of Herod, Donatello, 1423-27, Baptismal Font, Sienna, Italy
David, Donatello,1446-60, Florence, Italy
Gattamelata, Donatello, 1445-53, Padua, Italy
North Doors to Florence Baptistry, Ghiberti, 1403-1424, Florence, Italy
East doors of baptistry, Ghiberti, 1425-52, Florence, Italy
Jacob and Esau, East Doors, Ghiberti, 1425-52, Florence, Italy
Struzzi Altarpiece, Gentile da Fabriano, 1423, Florence, Italy
The Tribute Money, Brancacci Chapel, Santa Maria del Carmine, Masaccio, c. 1424-27, Florence, Italy
Adam and Eve, Brancacci Chapel, Santa Maria del Carmine, Masaccio, c. 1424-27, Florence, Italy
Merode Altarpiece, Master of Flemalle, c. 1425-28, now in Cloisters, NYC
Wedding Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and wife, 1434, now in London, National Gallery
Federigo de Montefeltro and Battista Sforza, Piero della Francesca, c.1472-74
Hugo van de Goes, Portinari Altarpiece, c. 1476, now in Florence, Uffizi
Birth of Venus, Boticelli, c.1484-86, Uffizi, Florence, Italy
Primavera, Boticelli, c. 1482, Uffizi, Florence, Italy
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