Key Terms IB Economics


IB Economics key terms and definitions
Flashcards by troberts115, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by troberts115 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Microeconomics the study of the behaivior of individualsin relation to allocating resources
Macroeconomics Study of economics as a wholedealing with structure, behavior, and decision-making
Ceteris Paribus Other things being equal and constant; kind of the equivalent of saying, "if ___ stays constant, ___ should happen."
Positive Economics Description and explanation of trends in economics
Normative Economics Shows value and judgments about fairness in the economy or what the outcomeand goals in an economy should be.
Scarcity In short supply
Land Natural resources with a fixed supply
Labor Productive activity by workers
Capital Financial wealth
Entrepreneurship the willingness and ability to start, run, and/or own a business, usually from scratch
Opportunity Cost The cost of giving up an alternative
Free Goods A good with no opportunity cost
Economic Good A good that is useful but is scarce in demand
Utility Used to describe the usefulness of a good
Production Possibilities Curve (PPC) Shows waste, over and under production, and where you could improve production
Actual Output The amount of product a producer actually produces
Potential Output What a producer could produce or be producing based on resources and things like that
Actual Growth An increase in real GDP
Potential Growth Possible/potential increase in capacity in an economy
Economic Growth The increase in capacity to produce goods and services
Economic Development Decisive actions taken by a community to ensure a promotion in standard of living and health in an economic area
Sustainable Development Development that meets the needs we currently have while still letting future generations meet their own needs
Market Economy The kind of economy America has where price and demand determine what is produced
Planned (Command) Economy An economy where the government decides what is to be produced and who will produce it
Transition Economy An economy that is changing from a command to a market economy
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