

Molecules within Psychology
Flashcards by lauradavies94, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lauradavies94 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
A Molecule A group of atoms, chemically bonded together working as a unit
At the molecular level All life is essentially the same. "...Anything found to be true of E.coli must also be true of elephants..." - Jacques Monod, cited in Friedmann 2004
All cells obey the laws of physics
Biological molecules are based on The carbon atom, typically bonded to atoms of: Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Other Carbon atoms (HONO)
Two types of molecules Small molecules and Macromolecules
Small molecules WCLA - wild cats like animals Water (70% of a typical cell), Carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids
1. Carbohydrates Empirical formula = CH20, 1 carbon atom, 2 hydrogen atoms, 1 oxygen atom (equal parts of carbon and water)
Carbohydrates include Sugars such as glucose and sucrose C6 H12 06 = Empirical formula for glucose/sugar
Sugars in carbohydrates are important for energy storage and cell structure
2. Lipids (fats) Two major roles Formulation of the cell membrane and energy storage
3. Amino Acids small molecules based around a carbon chain with an amino group and a carboxyl group. They are the building blocks of proteins (there are 20)
Macromolecules Large molecules created by the 'polymerization of monomers'
Polymerization process of combining small molecules into a chain
Monomers Small molecules
Two principles types of macromolecules in animals Glycogen and Proteins
1. Gycogen Large macromolecule comprising a chain of glucose monomers
The order the glucose monomers join the chain Is unimportant
Glycogen is essential for energy storage in animals
2. Proteins Amino acid sequences for proteins have evolved over thousands of years
In order for a protein to be synthesized cells must know the correct sequence
Life is dependent upon each cell having a complete set of instructions for the amino acid sequence of every protein in the cell
Cells are made up of proteins
Proteins are made up of amino acids
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