Anatomy Final


Anatomy final review
Flashcards by R A, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by R A almost 3 years ago

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Feedback systems maintain homeostasis Negative Feedback systems () effects of changes in homeostasis. Works like a household (). Reduces () or shuts off original stimulus. Negative Feedback ex: Body temp, () rate, () levels. Positive Feedback systems. Less common than negative. They increase or () the original stimulus. Two examples are: Blood () and Baby passing through the cervix which causes contractions to () counteract,thermostat,intensity,hear,glucose,accelerate,clotting,intensify
Homeostasis(to stay the same)- The ability to maintain a stable () despite changes in the () environment. It is critical for a normal body (). Homeostatic imbalance increase as you get older. environment,external,functioning
Passive transport is when () ATP is required. Diffusion(passive) (simple diffsion) Is the movements of molecules from high concentration to () concentration. (Down the concentration () ) Speed in influenced by temp and particle size. Higher temp = () diffusion. Smaller particles = () diffusion. Examples: Oxygen and CO (). Facilitated Diffusion(passive) is the same thing but the molecules need carrier proteins or () proteins. Particles are either too large to pass through the ()- layer or they are charged and repelled. The rate of diffusion is limited by number of carries/(). () Channels are channels that are open all the time. Channels that are controlled by chemical signals are () channels. no,low,gradient,faster,faster,2(CO2), channel,bi,channels,Leakage,gated
Osmosis(passive)- Diffusion of water through a selectivly preamble membrane. Water moves very () through lipid bi-layers. The water concentration is determined by () concentration. Water () and () the cell during osmosis. Changes in volume disrupt cell () freely,solute,leaves,enters,function
Tonicity is the ability of a solution to cause a cell to shrink or (). Isotonic Solution: Solution with () solute concentration as cytoplasm. Cells in this concentration maintain the same (). Human extracellular fluid is isotonic. swell,same,volume
Hypertonic Solution - Solution with greater solute concentration than cytoplasm - Cells in these solutions lose ()& shrink () - Dehydration leads water,crenate
() - Solution with lower solute concentration than cytoplasm - Cells in these solutions gain () & can burst (“) hypotonic,water,burst
Active transport is when ATP is required. They need special carrier (). Vesicular transport - Requires ATP - Cell uses () (hollow capsules) to move large substances in/out - Also called “()” transport proteins,vesicles,bulk
Endocytosis: bulk transport of substances () the cell 2 Types: 1) () - Using pseudopods to engulf solids - “Eating” - Macrophages, white blood cells 2) Pinocytosis - Membrane infolds, bringing in extracellular fluid - “drinking” - () absorption in small intest. into,phagocytosis,nutrient
Exocytosis: bulk transport of substances OUT of the cell Examples: 1) Hormone() 2) Neurotransmitter release 3) Mucus secretion secretion
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