Good conduct and key moral principles


Flashcards on Good conduct and key moral principles, created by Thomas Woodcock on 31/12/2021.
Thomas Woodcock
Flashcards by Thomas Woodcock, updated more than 1 year ago
Thomas Woodcock
Created by Thomas Woodcock about 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
What did St Paul say about justification? Justification by Faith, Ephesians
What did Martin Luther say about Justification? Justification by faith, Sola Fide
What did St James say about justification? justification by works, 'faith without works is dead'
What did Jesus say about justification? Justification by works, parable of sheep and goats, sermon on the mount, no mention of faith
What did the council of Trent say about justification? Justification by faith and works, a response to Luther, pointing to Jesus' emphasis on works
What is predestination? Predestination is the idea that God has already decided where you go after death
Who supported predestination? St Paul, Augustine, Luther and Calvin
What is the difference between Paul's predestination and Augustine's later version Paul believed it was heaven or nowhere, Augustine believed it was heaven or hell
What is a problem will predestination? if it is true it takes away our free will
Who opposed predestination? Pelagius, 'free will is a gift from God'
Biblical verses that support predestination Romans 8: 21-30, ‘God conformed to the image of his son, those who in his foreknowledge he knew would be righteous’ Romans 9: 15-16, ‘I will have mercy on whoever i have mercy’
Biblical verses that oppose predestination? Matthew 7: 7 ‘ask, and it will be given to you: seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you’ James 5:14 ‘ is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the lord’
What is sanctity of life? the idea that life is holy, sacred and from God
bible verse to support sanctity of life Genesis 1 26-27: “Let us make mankind in our image Genesis 2 7: Then the Lord God formed a man[c] from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
What is the strong sanctity of life? That life is always sacred and taking it (abortion, euthanasia) for any reason is wrong
What is the weak sanctity of life? that it should always be taken into account but the situation should also be taken into account
What is the 'just war theory'? the just war theory is the idea that war can be justified under certain conditions
who created the just war theory? Augustine started it and then Aquinas developed it
What is the first principle of just war? ius ad bellum-laws under which it is legitimate to go to war
What is the second principle? ius in bello-rules within war
What is the third principle? ius post bellum-rules after the war
ius ad bellum examples? just cause,started by legitimate authority, fought with right intention, reasonable probability of success, must be last resort, proportionality
ius in bello examples? principle of discrimination-non combatants must not be directly targeted, proportionality of means to ends, means must be proportionate to the ends required
ius post bellum examples? reparations, once end is declared all parties stick to it
What are the 3 types of WMDs? nuclear, chemical (mustard gas), biological(viruses)
Would any type of WMD be justified under just war? no, they are not discriminative, they meet neither of the proportionate clauses, doesn't meet probability of success
why do some think just war can't be applied to WMDs? so destructive that what they threaten would be out of any hoped for goods, they can't be uninvented so it is naive to think they can be done away with
how can the idea of dominion be justified? we were made 'little less than god' and in hos image and on the last day
a bible verse to support dominion? 'Thou hast given him dominion over the works of thy hands' Psalm 8:3-8
what else does dominion mean for humans? the earth is to be subdued and that humans are to be feared by animals
What does the dominion position lead to? humans have the right to use the environment and animals how they please, farming is ok, animal experimentation is ok, lack of regard for animals
What is the principle of plentitude and how does it apply to stewardship multiple species is better than just one, so we should not let animals die
What did Victoria Harrison say about the planet? many have come to beleive that the situation posed an immediate life... the result was eco theology to develop technologies to deal with these problems
WHat does Lynn White Jr say? cliamte crisis is due to judeo-christians and their belief in human domination
What does Sally mcfague say? the cliamte crisis is due to patriarchal christianity so ogd should be redefined to be immanent and in the world
what is eco theology? the idea of trying to establish a relaitionship between religion and nature,stems from our current climate problems, as a misunderstandings of religion
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