Chapter 4 - Intro to Alternative Data-Gathering Strategies & Uniform Crime Reports


Chapter 4
Flashcards by madison_dean, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by madison_dean over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
methodological narcissism fanatical adherence to a preferred method at the expense of substance; view that there is only and only one way of doing research, that is, by employing the one best method
triangulation use of multiple measures of the same concept
social surveys a means of data gathering in which a segment of the population reports their attitudes and/or behavior
participant observation the researcher observes a group by participating, to varying degrees, in the activities of the group
life histories & case studies an in-depth analysis of several cases
life history methods involve the analysis of diaries, letters, biographies, and autobiographies to obtain a detailed view of either a unique or a representative subject
unobtrusive measures refers to any method of gathering data in which the subjects are not aware that they are being studied
Uniform Crime Report (UCR) annual FBI publication of official statistics of crimes recorded by police
index crimes Part 1 crimes; major felonies reported because of their seriousness, frequency of occurrence, and likelihood of being reported to police. These offenses include: 1. murder & nonnegligent manslaughter 2. forcible rape 3. robbery 4. aggravated assault 5. burglary 6. larceny-theft 7. motor vehicle theft 8. arson
the crime rate the number of crimes per unit of population (per 100,000) CR= Number of crimes divided by population x 100,000
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