11th Spell List #9


Nouns from French, Latin and Middle English
Jairo Lobo
Flashcards by Jairo Lobo, updated more than 1 year ago
Jairo Lobo
Created by Jairo Lobo over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
aperture any opening in a solid surface
ardor great warmth of emotion or desire
artifice skilled trickery, cleverness
candor 1. openness of mind; impartiality 2. frankness of expression; straightforwardness
culmination 1. the end or resolution of something 2. the climax
deference 1. courtesy; respect 2. complying to the opinions or desires of others
effrontery presumptuous, brash behavior, often insulting
facade the face or front of anything; especially, a deceptive false front
incumbency the holding of an office and the administering of its duties; also the term of an office
premise an assumption from which a conclusion is gathered
subsidy 1. government funds given to support a business thought to be in the public interest 2. financial aid given by one party to another
volition decision; an act of conscious choice
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