Glossary (Set 1)


College Languages - Unit 4: Shopping & Bargaining (Glossary) Flashcards on Glossary (Set 1), created by SLS Indonesian on 19/05/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
(mem)buang waktu (an idiom) to waste time
Ada banyak obral di toko-toko di Amerika, pada bulan Desember yang akan datang. There will be many sales in the US stores in December to come.
ada rupa ada harga (an idiom) good stuff comes with the price
Anda boleh menawar yang dari plastik, bukan yang dari kulit. You may bargain the one made of plastic, not the one made of leather.
Anda mau pakai topi yang mana? Which hat do you want to wear?
anggaran terbatas limited budget
Anjungan Tunai Mandiri (ATM) Automated Teller Machine
Apa bisa tawar? Can I bargain?
Apa harganya pas/harga mati? Is it a fixed price?
Apa kembaliannya betul? Is the change correct?
Apa merek mobil yang termahal di dunia? What is the most expensive car in the world?
Apa tas kulit adalah tas yang paling mahal? Is a leather bag the most expensive bag?
Bagaimana dia menukar uang dolar AS ke Rupiah? How does she exchange her US dollars to rupiah?
bank yang besar dan modern a big and modern bank
barang-barang berkualitas dan bermerek quality goods and branded
batik cap printed batik
batik tulis handmade batik
berapa harga sekilonya? How much is the price of one kilogram of it?
Berapa kurs rupiahnya? How much is the Rupiah exchange rate?
Betul. Saya sudah mengeceknya. Correct! I have already checked it again.
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