Unit 04_Grammar for Fluency__Yang_ to replace nouns entirely. (in context) - Sheet1


College Languages - Unit 4: Shopping & Bargaining (Grammar For Fluency) Flashcards on Unit 04_Grammar for Fluency__Yang_ to replace nouns entirely. (in context) - Sheet1, created by SLS Indonesian on 27/05/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Yang berkacamata itu adalah kakak saya. The one (person) who wears glasses is my older sibling.
Yang berdiri di sana bisa berbahasa Indonesia. The one (person) who stands over there can speak Indonesian.
Yang duduk di pojok itu adalah isteri duta besar Amerika. The one (person) who sits in the corder is the wife od the ambassador.
Yang mahal di toko itu adalah barang-barang impor. The things that are expensive in that store are the imported goods.
Yang tebal itu adalah kamus Inggris-Indonesia saya. The book that is thick is my Indonesian-English dictionary.
Yang mahal di toko itu berasal dari Paris. The things that are expensive in that store came from France.
Yang pedas itu adalah nasi goreng. The dish that is spicy is fried rice.
Yang berbicara di konferensi itu adalah duta besar Amerika. The one (person) who is speaking in that conference is the American ambassador.
Yang bekerja di kantor itu adalah teman saya. The one (person) who works in that office is my friend.
Yang sedang tunggu taksi di sana adalah ibu saya. The one (person) who is waiting for a taxi is my mother.
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