Short halt / temporary camp sanitation


Factors to consider when planning sanitation of a short halt camp
Flashcards by lashed_126, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lashed_126 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Short halt / temporary camps Shallow trench urinal 1m wide x 3m long by 15 cm deep with 15 cm of broken soil for drainage Earth banked on 3 sides to channel people and to back fill
Stones to use for aim, spray with insecticide 250 men for use up to 24 hrs Shallow trench field latrine 300 mm wide x 600mm deep x 900 mm long
5 trenches dug for first 100 then 3 for every subsequent 100 Must be 600mm apart, soil to be immediately thrown on deposits by soldiers Maximum of 3 days use or when 3/4 full, should be filled in when contents are 300mm from surface A movable screen to be provided for privacy
To be back filled and a plastic sheet covering the area and extending out of each side by at least 750mm to be placed 150mm below ground level New STL's to be placed closer to camp to avoid soldiers walking over old ones Hand washing facilities to be provided
Improvised grease and soap traps Made from half an oil drum placed over a 1m x 1m x soakage pit Soakage pit to be filled with large rocks, then stones then sand Sullage trap to be filled with sand, then stones, then rocks and bracken, covered with hessian
The bracken and hessian should be replaced and burnt daily There is no hard and fast scaling for use, the ability to operate effectively will determine the duration of use Refuse disposal A burn pit is dug 1m x 1m x 1m Suitable for 100 men 24 hrs duration of use
Each time refuse is incinerated, a layer of earth is to cover it Place bricks, cans etc at bottom to allow air to circulate and the rubbish to burn effectively. Fill in when 200mm from the top
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