Glossary Unit 05 - Set 02 - Sheet1


College Languages - Unit 5: Directions, Travel & Transportations (Glossary) Flashcards on Glossary Unit 05 - Set 02 - Sheet1, created by SLS Indonesian on 09/06/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
jalur lane
jalur busway lane for busway (Jakarta city bus)
jalur sepeda bike lane
kemudi a steering wheel
mengemudi mobil to drive a car
pengemudi a driver
surat ijin mengemudi (SIM) driver license
[kendara] -- (root word)
mengendarai to drive st
pengendara driver
kendaraan vehicle
kendaraan umum public transportation
kendaraan pribadi private vehicle
kendaraan (be)roda tiga/empat/dua three/four/two wheeled vehicle;
kopor suit case
[kunjung] -- (root word)
berkunjung ke; mengunjungi to visit
pengunjung visitor
kunjungan a visit
kunjungan dinas an official visit
lalu lintas traffic
polisi lalu lintas traffic police officer
lampu lalu lintas traffic light
kecelakaan lalu lintas traffic accident
macet lalu lintas; macet traffic jam
lepas landas; mengudara to take off
pesawat sudah lepas landas the plane took off
pesawat sudah mendarat the plane has landed
libur; hari libur; liburan off; day off; holiday
berlibur to take a holiday
hari libur nasional national holiday
hari libur keagamaan religious holiday
makan waktu (idiom) takes time
perjalanan ini makan waktu 2 jam this trip takes 2 hours
mogok; mobil mogok stalled
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