Serbian Basic Course Unit 4 Day 2 2024 Latinic


Fsi language Serbian Flashcards on Serbian Basic Course Unit 4 Day 2 2024 Latinic, created by FSI Serbian on 26/07/2022.
FSI Serbian
Flashcards by FSI Serbian, updated about 1 month ago
FSI Serbian
Created by FSI Serbian about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
stanovati to reside, to live
useliti se to move in
nekoliko several
zadovoljan, zadovoljna, zadovoljno satisfied
ovde here
čist, -a, -o clean
bezbedan, bezbedna, bezbedno safe
nedeljno weekly
čistiti to clean
vreme n. time
preporučiti to recommend
osoba f. person
u crnom in black clothes
umetnik m. artist
slobodno freely
pomoći to help
dati oglas to put an ad
javljati se to respond to, to reply, to call
doviđenja Goodbye
prati to clean, to wash
kupatilo n. bathroom
hodnik m. hallway
ispred in front of
vrata pl. f. door
jednom once
spremanje n. cleaning, tidying up, straightening up
velik, -a, -o big
veliko spremanje general cleaning
mesečno monthly
sredstva n., pl. means, resources
čišćenje n. cleaning
sredstva za čišćenje cleaning supplies
potreban, potrebna, potrebno necessary, needed
preporuka f. recommendation
plaćati to pay
na on, to
sat m. hour
po dogovoru by agreement
naplaćivati to charge
nameštaj m. furniture
odgovarati to suit, to be convenient, to answer
ujutro in the morning
gost m. guest
pravo straight
dogovoriti (se) to agree, to come to an agreement
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