Amendments flashcards


Konica's Flashcards
Flashcards by nikebadd1443, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nikebadd1443 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
1st Amendment freedom of speech press assembly petition and religion
2nd amendment Rights to bear arm people have the right to have a gun
3rd Amendment freedom form quartering soldiers
4th Amendment freedom from unreasonable search and seizures
5th amendment You get to have a trial by a grand Jury, NO double Jeopardy
6th amendment right to a speedy and public trial & confront your accuser.
7th amendment trail by jury
8th amendment no excessive fines & no cruel and unusual punishment
9th amendment people have rights that are not mentioned in the constitution
10th amendment Powers not given to the federal government belong to the states
11th amendment Federal courts do not have jurisdiction in cases against a state
12th amendment provides for separate elections for president and vice president
13th amendment abolishes slavery
14th amendment provides equality for all citizens; state government must follow previously passed amendments
15th amendment All males have the right to vote
16th amendment congress has the power to pass direct taxes such as income tax
17th amendment senators are to be elected by the voters in their state
18th amendment selling and drinking of alcoholic beverages is made illegal (prohibited)
19th amendment gives women the right to vote
20th amendment beginning of president VP and congress terms in office begins in January presidential
21st amendment selling and drinking of alcoholic beverages is made illegal (allowed again #18 was repealed or cancelled by this amendment
22nd amendment presidents may serve no more than 2 terms or a total of 10 years.
23rd amendment district of Columbia is allowed presidential electoral college votes
24th amendment eliminates poll tax
25th amendment provides for presidential succession and filling a vacant office of vice president, if VP dies or his removes from office
26th amendment lowers voting age from 21 to 18
27th amendments congressional compensation increases may not take effect until after that congressional term is over
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