Module 5: Manage hybrid workloads with Azure Arc > Unit: Restrict access with RBAC


Flashcards on Module 5: Manage hybrid workloads with Azure Arc > Unit: Restrict access with RBAC, created by Rick Schoenman on 20/08/2022.
Rick Schoenman
Flashcards by Rick Schoenman, updated more than 1 year ago
Rick Schoenman
Created by Rick Schoenman about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Note: this unit was very unclear and abstract to me. I did not understand it well and therefore these summarizing flash cards are incomplete. .
Where does Azure Monitor store collected logs from managed systems? Log Analytics workspace
What 2 ways can you use to restrict access to Log Analytic workspaces? - Use RBAC on the workspace level - Restrict access based on the permissions on the resource from which the log was collected
Considering RBAC, which 2 Access Modes do you know? - Workspace-context - Resource-context
Considering RBAC, which 2 Access Control Modes do you know? - Require workspace permissions - Use Resource or Workspace permissions
What can Azure Arc do for RBAC? Azure Arc assigns a resource ID and Azure resource group to each non-Azure computer. You can then configure access to logs collected from them using the same mechanism that applies to Azure resources.
Which 5 tabs are available on the Access control (IAM) page? - Check Access - Role Assignments - Deny Assignments - Classic Administrators - Roles
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