Unit 06_Dialog Makan di Rumah Makan Nyonya Cirebon - Sheet1


College Languages - Unit 6: Food and Celebration (Dialogues) Flashcards on Unit 06_Dialog Makan di Rumah Makan Nyonya Cirebon - Sheet1, created by SLS Indonesian on 23/08/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Pelayan: Mau pesan apa, Pak? Waiter: What would you like to order, Sir?
Pembeli 1: Apa yang enak di sini? Client 1: What's delicious here?
Pelayan: Semuanya enak, Pak, tapi yang paling enak di rumah makan ini, soto Madura dan sate kambingnya. Waiter: All is delicious, Sir. However, the most delicious in this restaurant are the Soto Madura and Lamb kebab.
Pembeli 2: Soto Madura? Apa itu? Client 2: Soto Madura? What is that?
Pelayan: Itu semacam sop ayam, ditambah dengan bawang daun, seledri, soun dan lain-lain. Waiter: That is a type of chicken soup, with chives, celery, clear noodles and other things.
Pembeli 1: Kami pesan sate kambing, soto Madura, dan nasi putih, masing-masing dua porsi. Client 1: We would like to order lamb kebab, soto Madure, plain white rice, two servings for each order.
Pelayan: Baik, Pak. Mau pesan minuman apa? Waiter: Alright, Sir. What would you like to drink?
Pembeli 1: Beri satu botol bir Bintang dan satu cangkir kopi Indonesia tanpa susu, tetapi dengan gula. Client 1: Give me one bottle of beer, one cup of Indonesian coffee without milk, but with sugar.
Pembeli 2: Saya minta air putih dan saya mau makan ayam goreng dengan nasi putih. Minta dua porsi ya. Client 2: I would like some water and I would like to eat fried chicken with plain white rice. Two servings, please.
Pelayan: Ada lagi? Waiter: What else?
Pembeli 1: Itu saja, tapi jangan lupa sambalnya ya. Kami suka makanan pedas. Client 1: That's all. But please do not forget the hot sauce. We like spicy food.
Pelayan: Baiklah! ... Jadi, sate kambing, soto Madura, ayam goreng masing-masing dua porsi, empat nasi putih dan minumnya bir Bintang, kopi dan air putih. Waiter: Alright. So, lamb kabob, soto Madura, fried chicken, two servings each, four plain white rice and the drinks will be Bintang beer, coffee and water.
Pembeli 1 & 2: Cepat ya! Kami sudah lapar. Client 1 & 2: Could you please make it quick? We are hungry.
(Tidak lama kemudian) (After a while)
Pelayan: Ini makanannya! Silakan makan! Waiter: Here is the food. Please enjoy it.
Pembeli 1: Aduh! Ini terlalu banyak! Porsinya besar sekali ya! Client 1: Oh my! This is too much! The servings are very big.
Pembeli 2: Wah! Kelihatannya enak sekali. Client 2: Wow! They look very delicious.
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