Unit 06_Lesson 03_Practice for Fluency 01 - Sheet1


College Languages - Unit 6: Food and Celebration (Speaking) Flashcards on Unit 06_Lesson 03_Practice for Fluency 01 - Sheet1, created by SLS Indonesian on 23/08/2022.
SLS Indonesian
Flashcards by SLS Indonesian, updated more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Created by SLS Indonesian about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Makanan apa ini? Pedas atau tidak? What kind of food is this? Spicy or not?
Makanan apa ini? Halal atau tidak? What kind of food is this? Kosher or not?
Minuman apa ini? Dingin atau panas? What kind of drink is this? Cold or hot?
Minuman apa ini? Beralkohol atau tidak? What kind of drink is this? Alcoholic or not?
Buah apa ini? Matang atau mentah? What kind of fruit is this? Ripe or unripe?
Buah apa ini? Manis atau masam? What kind of fruit is this? Sweet or sour?
Toko apa ini? Mahal atau murah? What kind of store is this? Expensive or cheap?
Daging apa ini? Sapi atau babi? What kind of meat is this? Beef or pork?
Masakan apa ini? Daging atau ikan? What kind of dish is this? Meet or fish?
Ikan apa ini? Air tawar atau air laut? What kind of fish is this? Fresh water or salt water?
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