Portuguese, European - English 5.1 Auto Shop


ILR Languages (Portuguese Express Continental) Flashcards on Portuguese, European - English 5.1 Auto Shop, created by Kristen Walters on 25/08/2022.
Kristen Walters
Flashcards by Kristen Walters, updated more than 1 year ago
Kristen Walters
Created by Kristen Walters over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
we a gente
to fill up abastecer
tire pressure ar dos pneus (o)
starter (of an automobile) arranque (o)
battery (of an automobile) bateria (a)
gas pump bomba de gasolina (a)
hood (of an automobile) [n.] capô (o)
four-door car carro de quarto portas (o)
tow truck [n.] carro de reboque (o) [Continental]
driver's license carta de condução (a) [Continental]
to fix consertar
repair [n.] conserto (o)
to give dar (deu)
gas station estação de gasolina [Continental]
gasoline gasolina (a)
unfortunately infelizmente
This is serious! Isto é grave!
way, to find a way jeitinho (o)
Anything else? Mais alguma coisa?
mechanic mecânico (o)
last month mês passado (o)
engine motor (o)
the day after no dia seguinte
auto repair shop oficina mecânica (a)
motor oil óleo (o)
windshield pára-brisa (o)
bumper (of an automobile) pára-choques (o)
It seems that... Parece que...
Stop by here. Passe por aqui.
part [n.] peça (a)
at least pelo menos
tire (of an automobile) [n.] pneu (o)
around por volta
trunk (of an automobile) porta-bagagem (o) [Continental]
glove compartment porta-luvas (o)
What kind? Que tipo?
radiator radiador (o)
to tow rebocar (rebocaram)
labor [n.] serviço (o)
to finish, to end terminar
brakes [n.] travões (os) [Continental]
to change, to exchange trocar
tailpipe tubo de escape (o) [Continental]
filter [n.] vela (a)
to check, to verify verificar
steering wheel volante (o)
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