Miscellaneous-Family Members


Miscellaneous-Family Members
Beyhan Kurt
Flashcards by Beyhan Kurt, updated more than 1 year ago
Beyhan Kurt
Created by Beyhan Kurt over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
anne mother
baba father
anneanne maternal grandmother
babaanne paternal grandmother
dede grandfather
amca uncle
hala paternal aunt
teyze maternal aunt
kuzen cousin
kız kardeş sister
erkek kardeş brother
yeğen niece/nephew
annem my mother
babam my father
kayınvalide mother-in-law
kayınpeder father-in-law
kayınvalidem my mother-in-law
kayınpederim my father-in-law
çocuk child
bebek baby
yaşam, hayat life
doğum günü birthday
yıl dönümü anniversary
gelin bride
damat groom
düğün wedding ceremony
evlenmek marry (to)
yaş age
yaşında at the age of
köpek dog
kedi cat
aile family
ailem my family
yeğen (kız/erkek) niece/nephew
kardeş sibling
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