Concept 1, 2, and 3 Notes.


Madison Torres
Flashcards by Madison Torres, updated more than 1 year ago
Madison Torres
Created by Madison Torres about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Macromolecules Large organic molecules (carbon containing) that make up all living things.
Macromolecules Are: Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.
Most Macromolecules Are: Polymers made out of monomers.
Monomers Small, basic sub-units.
Carbohydrates' Main Function Short-Term Energy Storage
Carbohydrates' Other Uses Structure, transport, and signaling.
Carbohydrates Are Found In: Sugars and Starches
Monomer: Monosaccharides: single sugar molecules
Polymer Polysaccharides larger sugar molecules
Carbohydrates are typically the ____ thing your body will break down for energy. First
Lipids Main Function: Long-Term Energy Storage
Lipids' Other Uses: Insulation, protection, and structure.
Lipids Are Found In Fats, oils, phospholids, and steroids.
Monomers Are: Fatty Acids
Polymers Are: Triglycerides
When your body runs out of carbs to break down, it will break down ______ next. Lipids
Phospholids A special lipid
Structure of Phospholids: 2 fatty acids + 1 phosphate
Phospholid Hydrophilic Head Phosphate Group
Phospholid Hydrophobic Tail Fatty Acids
Phospholipid Bilayer: 2 layers make up the plasma membrane of our cells.
Plasma Membrane is... Selectively Permeable.
Proteins... Run your body.
Enzymes... control the rate of biochemical reactions (come from proteins).
Hormones... regulate cell processes. (come from proteins)
Proteins... Structurally make up bones and muscles.
Transport substances in and out of cell (from proteins).
Antibodies... help immune system fight diseases. (from proteins.
Proteins can help movement.
Receptors aid in cell signaling. (proteins)
Proteins ALSO make... Energy.
Protein is found in... Meats, nuts, and dairy products. Many are made by your body.
Monomers in Proteins are... Amino Acids
Polymers in Proteins are... Polypeptides.
Proteins do so much for the body that they are usually the ____ resort if energy is needed. Last
Importance of folding: Proteins are the most diverse macromolecule in terms of structure and function.
Forms dictates function The shape of the protein determines what it does.
Nucleic Acids Main Function: Informational molecules that store, transmit, and express our genetic information; contains the instructions for making proteins.
Nucleic Acids are found in: DNA and RNA.
Monomers in Nucleic Acids are: Nucleotides.
The Nucleotides in the Monomers in Nucleic Acids are made up of: Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, Cytosine, and Uracil.
Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, Cytosine, and Uracil are made up of: 5-Carbon Sugar, phosphate group, and a nitrogen containing base.
Polymers in Nucleic Acids are: Nucleic Acids and can be DNA or RNA.
Nucleic acids are _____ broken down as a source of energy. never
Mono One/Single
Di Two/Double
Tri Three/Triple
Poly Many/Multiple
Polymers Repeating subunits.
Organic molecules Any material that comes from a living or once-living source and contain carbon.
Inorganic Molecules Any material that comes from a non living source and don't contain carbon.
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